Page 26 of Alpha Daddy

A moment of awkward silence follows, long enough for the thought of Jessa walking back to her car alone to needle its way into my thoughts and fester. I already hated the idea of her sleeping in her car, but it’s getting harder to ignore and let slide. No woman, especially a beautiful beta who’s so determined to save herself, deserves to stay somewhere unsafe or uncomfortable.

I admire her resilience. It’s one of the sexiest things about her, but she shouldn’t have to be so resilient to survive. She shouldn’t be left completely to her own devices and expected to claw her way up from rock bottom without a little assistance, and while I’ve certainly offered her a helping hand so far, it’s not enough.

Not when I can do so much more.

It’s just a matter of if she’s willing to accept more help, which she’ll probably fight me on, like the gift card. Still, if I don’t say something, it’s going to eat me alive from the inside like acid.

“Do you at least drive a big car so you can stretch out?” I ask.

She forces a laugh and shakes her head. “No. Not at all. I can squeeze into the backseat or lean my seat back most of the way, though.”

My insides turn, jaw hardening.

I tried not to mention the actual conditions of her staying in her car, knowing it would set off my alpha instincts more than anything else, but I can’t avoid it anymore.

Even if it’s just for tonight, I’m not going to have her sleeping in her car. She deserves to soak in a long, hot bath after her hard work today and fall into a soft bed afterwards.

“Well, that sounds awful, and quite frankly, I don’t like it,” I say, struggling to mask my irritation and remain semi-professional. “You worked your ass off today, and you deserve a chance to unwind. You’re welcome to come to my place to shower and sleep in a proper bed.”

The way her eyes widen makes me realize how nervous I’ve made her. Shit. I knew this would be tricky, but it sounded a lot better in my head.

“Not like that,” I quickly correct. “You can get a shower and sleep in a bedalone. I have spare bedrooms, so you can have your pick.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little… awkward… since you’re my boss?” She checks over her shoulder to make sure there’s no one else in the dining room, but they’re all gone. Even the kitchen staff has left for the night. We’re completely alone.

“I’d hope you wouldn’t mention it to anyone,” I assure her. “And neither will I. I just thought you’d like to sleep somewhere other than your car for a change.”

She tilts her head to the side as she thinks, crossing her arms over her chest the way she always does, like she’s trying to protect her most vital organ from anything I can throw at it.

“Just to sleep?” she asks, drawing her words out. “This isn’t a slick way to pick me up or anything, right?”

As much as I’d like for it to be, I shake my head. “Just to sleep. You have my word.”

Her lips move back and forth as the gears behind her eyes continue to turn, and finally, when I’ve nearly given up on the thought, she nods. “Okay. That would actually be nice. Thank you.”

“Perfect. I’ll write down the address for you.” It seems like a better option than texting it to her. Giving her a job and letting her use my shower are completely different from giving myself easy access to her. I’ve already fucked up by letting myself get way too close–I can’t make it worse by asking for her number.

As I lock up for the night and head to my house, knowing Jessa will be along shortly after, warring thoughts collide in my mind.

On the one hand, I’m being generous and helping her get her life back together. It’s an admirable thing I’m doing, one most wouldn’t be concerned with.

On the other hand, I know I’m getting myself further and further into a sticky situation that will most likely end with me either cutting myself out of her life completely or burying my knot inside of her.

And I have a strong feeling I know which it’ll be.



What the hell am I doing?

It’s the only thing I can think about as I pull into the driveway of Alessandro’s enormous house with an immaculate yard and three-car garage. Who even needs three cars?

It’s dark, the sparse lights around the house not doing much to illuminate beyond the walkway to the front porch, but I swear I can see a pond off to the left, with a water fountain spraying into the air. I whistle through my teeth as I put the car in park, wondering how incredible it must look in the daytime if it gives me goosebumps in the dark.

It took me several minutes of convincing myself before I even typed his address into the GPS, and several more before I put the car in drive and left the familiar parking lot where I’d been parked for days. I’m not entirely sure I made the right decision by coming here, but it’s a little late to drive back across town now.

At the very least, I won’t be sleeping in the car my exes will easily recognize, in the middle of the city. While intimidating, this seems like my safest option for the night.