Page 21 of Alpha Daddy

My blood turns to ice as I inhale deeply, hoping I was imagining things, but the scent intensifies, invading my senses. It’s a specific blend of musky amber, tangy orange, and dark chocolate that I spent the last five years committing to memory, and it shoots an arrow of fear straight through my chest.

The scents of my old alphas.

Struggling to breathe against my tightening throat, I swivel my head to look around, searching the crowd for their familiar faces. Every part of me hopes I’m mistaken, that maybe after three weeks, I’ve begun to forget the men who ruined my life for so long.

Then, I spot them in line at a nearby counter.

My mind spirals, and pain throbs in my chest.

Caleb, golden haired and tan as always, with a sparkling smile that used to make me weak at the knees. Sean, dark features that match his dark heart, regardless of how striking they are. Derrick, all brawn, with swollen arms that protrude from his ripped tank top.

They shouldn’t be here.

This mall is nowhere near the pack’s house, and as far as I know, they’ve never been to Brookesville before. It doesn’t make sense that they would be here. Not now. Not on the one day I decided to go shopping. I believe in coincidences, but this seems eerily unlikely, like it might have been planned…

The thought turns my stomach.

Did they follow me somehow? Or is the universe really that big of a cunt that it would bring us back together so soon after I escaped them?

If they see me, will they try to talk to me, the omega who broke their mate bond and disappeared without a trace, or would they pretend I don’t exist?

I don’t plan to find out.

Sean laughs and turns, his gaze swinging in my direction, and my heart drops painfully fast. I squeak, throwing myself over like I’m diving to pick up something off the floor, and I wait a few seconds.

Blood pounds in my ears like a warning drum, my heart slamming painfully against my ribs. When I finally get the courage to look up again, leaving my head low as I peek over my shoulder toward their huddle, I find them all staring up at the menu.

For fuck’s sake.I have to get out of here.

I have to run.

Grabbing my bags off the ground, I hurry as quickly as I can away from the food court without a backwards glance. I don’t slow down, even when I’m out of their line of sight, my feet pounding away at the ground until I’m in the parking lot.

Adrenaline fueling my movements, I find my car and jump in, my breaths erratic as I start the car and sit there for a solid minute, trying to wrap my mind around it all.

I never thought I’d have to see them again, but I only managed three weeks without them finding me.

The unsettling truth twists in my gut, threatening to make my chicken nuggets and sundae reappear. Every part of me hopes this is just some wild coincidence, but something tells me it’s not. If my old pack is looking for me, I have to make as much money as quickly as possible and disappear forever, somewhere so far away, they can never track me down.

Right now, with my limited funds and even more limited gas in my car, fleeing isn’t an option. I just have to hope my scent suppressant and working for an alpha are enough to let me slip under the radar until I have enough money saved to get away.

However, if they’re on my trail, I wonder if any amount of distance will be enough to hide forever.



I pull the cuff of my sleeve back to check the time on my watch, relieved to find it’s only three. Jessa will be in soon for her first shift, and I plan to be far away by the time she gets here. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and it’s really the best decision.

Even if the thought of distancing myself from her turns my insides into a furious desire to rebel.

Hopefully, with time, it’ll pass; the feral urge to pursue her, eliminate all the air between us, and crush my body against hers will wane. I won’t feel the need to give her anything and everything she could ever want.Hopefully.

Do I want to stay and see if she found every part of her uniform? Yes.

Do I want to make sure she gets started on the right foot and doesn't have any questions? Of course.

Unfortunately, getting close to her isn’t an option. Pursuing anything with her will only end in disaster. Disaster for me, disaster for the restaurant, but most especially for her.