Page 90 of Alpha Daddy

It doesn’t sound right coming from her, and it flips something inside me. It’s the biggest red flag yet, and I can’t let it go.

I don’t need the whole story–I have enough pieces of it to know this isn’t a good situation for Jessa to be in–and I have to do something about it, hopefully without disrupting the entire dining room.

One thing is blindingly obvious: these alphas have to go.



“Rude, you say?” Alessandro says, his eyes moving back to mine, and my stomach drops to the floor.

Surely, he doesn’t believe them–he can’t–but the way Caleb smirks when I look at him tells me that’s exactly what’s happening. I also know why he’d believe them over me. They’re alphas, and I’m just a beta to him.

An alpha’s word is law–it was drilled into my brain for years–so of course he would believe them.

“Very,” Caleb assures him.

“How would you like me to handle it?” Alessandro asks, looking between the three alphas sitting in the booth, and I feel my soul nearly leave my body.

He can’t be fucking serious right now.How is this happening?

“Should I write her up?” Alessandro goes on. “Fire her?”

“Firing seems a little harsh, but it might be for the best,” Sean says, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “I’d hate for her to drive away any more of your high-profile customers.”

If I wasn’t so absolutely distraught by the possibility of actually being fired, I would laugh at his comment. High profile, my ass. They barely qualify as alphas, much less high-profile ones.

He’s a fucking idiot.

Alessandro hums his reply, nodding slowly like he’s deeply considering his options. Meanwhile, my heart is threatening to beat out of my chest, and I’m struggling to take steady breaths. My eyes bounce between my three old alphas, but none of them are paying me any attention. They’re all focused on Alessandro and the demanding presence he brings to the table.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” Alessandro says, and a pang of fear shoots through my chest at the words. I look back at him frantically, expecting him to be staring at me, but his eyes are still glued to my exes.

Everything slams to a stop, moving at a snail’s pace, and my thoughts feel like they’re traveling through molasses.

“Excuse me?” Derrick asks, blanching. He obviously didn’t see that one coming.

That makes two of us.

“I think you heard me,” Alessandro says, his voice eerily calm.

Caleb runs his tongue over his teeth and stands, squaring up with Alessandro and sizing him up. He might be a few inches shorter, but the moment his alpha energy flares, I swear, they're the same size.

My stomach drops to my knees, and I stifle a little squeak, terrified Caleb will start a fight here in the middle of the dining room.

Should I say something, or would speaking up instigate things further?

I’m not sure I could speak, even if I wanted to.

I can barely breathe as it is.

“Excuse me?” Caleb echoes, a dark coldness crossing his face, making his deathly stare even more intimidating.

For me, maybe, but not Alessandro.

“You heard me,” Alessandro says, unfazed. “Get out.”

Caleb doesn’t budge, making my heart slam harder and blood pound in my ears. I don’t see this going well, and the longer the alphas stand toe-to-toe, the more I worry this is about to go southfast.