Page 88 of Alpha Daddy

My emotions are blanketed by a layer of fear-based adrenaline that’s still pumping through my veins. It’s all too much, and desperation claws up my throat.

“Please order so you can leave,” I say, fighting to keep my voice level.

If I expect any of them to show sympathy, I’m disappointed. None of them flinch or show anything other than hatred and amusement, but Caleb lifts his menu to look at it.

“We’ll start with the sampler platter. Make it two,” he says. “We’re not in any kind of hurry. Are we, boys?”

“No,” Sean and Derrick answer in unison.

My jaw clenches, and I stand stone still, thoroughly conflicted about my next move. Do I go put their order in like a good little omega, or do I cuss them out like they deserve?

A challenging cock of Caleb’s eyebrow gives me my answer, and with my skin heating, I turn and head for the kiosk again. My bottom lip threatens to quiver, but I bite down on it. I will not let these assholes affect me this way.I won’t.

I just need a little bit longer to figure out what the hell I’m going to do without Alessandro getting involved.

It might not even be an option.

Alessandro might be the only one who can talk–or knock–some sense into any of them and make them leave, but still, I’m going to hold out as long as possible. I’m going to do my best, keep my head down, and hope they get bored with torturing me.

Checking on my tables in a nervous haze, I keep my eyes from wandering to section one, to the booth where Caleb, Sean, and Derrick are sitting, but I can feel a prickling weight on me as I circle the room, and I know they’re staring at me. Watching me, planning, plotting.

My heart races, and I retreat to the kitchen to hide and wait on their sampler plates.

I’m hardly aware of the line chef’s worried gaze as I hover near the kitchen door, peering through the tiny circular window every few seconds. I don’t know what I’m expecting to happen. Maybe my old alphas will start turning over tables or they’ll approach the bar. Not that I could do anything to stop them from doing either, but checking to make sure everything is at peace in the dining room brings me a false sense of comfort.

“Your order’s up,” Ronaldo says, pinging the little bell in the food export window. I shoot him an appreciative glance before loading the plates up on a tray and heading back to the dining room.

My stomach knots as I cross the room, trying not to look over at the bar. I don’t want Alessandro to think anything is wrong. No need to raise the alarm… yet.

“Here,” I say, setting the samplers out in front of the alphas and forcing out my best customer service voice. “Enjoy.”

I whirl around quickly, eager to get as far away from them as possible, but Sean’s voice stops me in my tracks.

“Wait,” he demands, and I stumble to a stop, unable to fight the power his command holds.

My skin crawls as I look back over my shoulder. “What?”

It takes everything in me to keep my voice level, and my blood boils when he scrunches his nose up at the sampler plates.

“Pretty sure we said no mushrooms,” he says, shoving the plate in front of him away, disgust on his face.

I turn the rest of the way around and gape at him in disbelief.

“You’re fucking kidding me,” I grind out. “You didn’t say that.”

“Careful,” Derrick warns. “I’m sure your boss wouldn’t want to hear about how rude you’re being to his customers.” His eyes narrow maliciously. “I don’t think that would go over well. Do you?”

My stomach pitches toward the floor. “You wouldn’t.”

One of his eyebrows ticks upward. “Try me.”

I stand there, unmoving, for a long second, my thoughts a frazzled mess. I don’t have fucking time for this. I have other tables to wait on and side work to catch up on.

They’re just going to complain about everything I bring out to the table to purposely make my life hell. I know it. Yet, instead of heading to the bar to explain the situation to Alessandro so he can deal with them, or even bringing the issue up to Damon, I snatch the plates back off the table and head for the kitchen again.


As my eyes follow Jessa back to the kitchen, I can tell something’s wrong.