Page 50 of Alpha Daddy

“Yes. Anything.”

When we finish breakfast, Alessandro offers to do the dishes so I can get ready. I try to argue that he should let me be useful. I don’t mind helping with chores, considering everything he’s done for me, but he beats me to the sink and starts running water before I can dissuade him.

Mildly annoyed, I head to the car and dig through my trunk until I find the outfit I’m looking for–a short gold dress with a slit up the thigh. The front dips low and the thin straps cross in the back. It borders on being too fancy for a day dress, but with the wedges I pair it with, it’s acceptable. It’s by far one of my favorite outfits, and I haven’t had an occasion to wear it in… way too long.

I shower quickly, using Alessandro’s soaps and shampoo to completely drown myself in his familiar smells. It might not be his thirst-quenching bourbon or the comforting charred wood of a bonfire, but it’s rugged and manly. This might not be a date, but anyone within a mile radius is going to know who I belong to. If we get strange looks, I’ll try not to care. We’ll be far enough from home that no one should recognize me, and he’s clearly fine with being seen with me.

When I’m fully dressed, I stand in front of his bathroom mirror and stare at myself. I did my makeup darker than normal, accentuating my features to make them look sexy, rather than cute. I even shove my boobs as close together as possible to give the illusion of more cleavage, but I don’t know if it’s enough to impress him.

I hope it is.

I honestly don’t know what Alessandro’s type is at all, because I’ve seen so many gorgeous women come into the restaurant and he doesn’t bat an eye at them. I’m shooting in the dark, but hopefully, it’s enough to gain his approval, to make him proud of his arm candy for the day.

Running my fingers through my hair a final time to break up some of the loose curls, I turn to head back downstairs where Alessandro is waiting for me. He’s changed into a pair of navy pants and a tight-fitting black shirt that hugs his muscular form like it was tailored specifically for him. It might have been.

He’s sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, when I step into the living room.

“Are you ready to go?” I ask, perching my hands on my hips. “Sorry I took so long. I couldn’t decide how to do my hair.”

When he looks up and meets my eye, a zap of electricity shoots up my spine, making me tingle. He stands without saying anything, crossing the living room to stand before me, and heat curls in my center.

I want to ask him what he thinks, if he approves of the outfit I’ve put together, but I’m unable to form words as I stare up at him.

“More than ready, babydoll,” he says, tilting my chin up further with two fingers.

My breath catches at the touch, and I wait for him to kiss me, to lean in slowly and brush my lips with his, but he doesn’t. Instead, he jerks his head toward the door and gestures for me to follow him outside.



If we didn’t have a reservation at Gian Luca’s bistro, I would drag Jessa back upstairs and spend the entirety of the day between her thighs. I’d fuck her until she couldn’t walk straight.

Just seeing her in that tiny gold dress and heels has my alpha reeling and my cock twitching. The scent of my soap clings to every inch of her, making my chest swell with pride, although it shouldn’t.

I might have had her for a night, but she’s notmine.Not by a long shot, even though she seemed disappointed this isn’t a date.

Now, I regret saying it isn’t.

I don’t want her to feel like I’m being possessive, or that I have any expectations for us beyond the bedroom, but I will fuck anyone up who gets too close while we’re together. It’s not typically the reaction an alpha should have for a beta, but I don’t care. She’s mine, even if she’s not.

She’s such a stunning woman, and after having her naked in my bed all night, it’s all I can do to make it to the passenger side door of my car without bending her over the hood and rutting into her while she's splayed across it. I open the door for her, trying to conceal the bulge in my pants as she smiles and gets in, before hurrying around the front and sliding into the driver’s seat.

I'm thankful for the relief the cold air provides to my scorching skin, and I glance over to see the spill of her naked thighs draped over the leather seat. The hem of her dress slides up dangerously high, threatening to reveal everything I claimed last night with my mouth and cock.

Such a shame it doesn't slip a bit higher.

“You look stunning,” I say as we back out of the driveway, attempting casual conversation. “I feel underdressed.”

She laughs, and I glance over in time to see her cheeks turn pink. “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.”

I try to keep my entire focus on the road, but my mind keeps wandering, slipping into the passenger seat and stirring up thoughts from last night. I told Jessa she could decide what became of us after that, that if she doesn't want anything else, I'll proudly accept her rejection. Still, though, I'd be a fool not to show her what she could have.

What she could havewith me.

I plan to give her a taste of my world, of ritzy restaurants and upscale dinner parties. I'll spoil her like she's never been spoiled before, treat her like the undeniable princess she is, then let her decide.

The decision is in her hands, but I won't forgive myself if I don't at least try to win her over.