Page 25 of Alpha Daddy

“Do you need something?” I ask again instead, changing the subject.

“No. You just looked so serious,” she says. “Thought I’d come lighten your mood.”

I chuckle again, this one more genuine, and a smirk crosses my face. I stop what I’m doing to meet her gaze across the bar. “Go work.”


She disappears across the dining room, walking with a little more bounce in her step, my eyes glued to her back.

Fire like molten lava sears through my veins at the title. Knowing she only said it as another jab should bother me. Hell, I’d chew out any other beta who dared smart off to me the way she does until they refused to meet my gaze, but her sass only makes me want to cut off her words by shoving my cock down her throat.

She knows she got to me, ruffled my feathers, and she’s proud of it.

I’ll have to get her back later somehow, but I can’t think about that right now. Four more tickets just spit out of the printer, and there are people waiting on drinks.

The end of the night can’t come fast enough, and I hang out deep cleaning the bar while Jessa sweeps and mops. Normally, I’d be gone by now. I would have flown out the door with the last customer and left the cleaning to the rest of the crew, but even though I’ve spent the last six hours staring at Jessa, it’s not enough.

I don’t think I’ll ever get my fill of watching her, as disturbing as the truth is, and I can’t make myself leave yet.

Not until she clocks out.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Damon jokes as he brings a large tray of clean glasses behind the bar and sits them on the counter.

“You know I won’t be doing anything but sitting at home,” I say with a shrug, tossing the towel in my hand on top of the freezer. “What else am I supposed to do?”

“Date. Have fun.” He chuckles. “There are enough betas who come in here desperate for your attention. Entertain one or two of them. Hell, three, if you’re feeling frisky.”

I shake my head, unable to think of any woman aside from the one currently rolling silverware in the corner booth with Sara. “No thanks.”

Before he can follow my line of sight across the bar, I whirl on him.

“Why don’t you take off early and I’ll stay to make sure everything is closed properly,” I offer, knowing it’s been well over a year since I’ve done such a thing. “I’m sure you have something you’d rather do tonight.”

When his eyes light up, I know I’m right. “Are you sure, Mr. Costa?”

“I’m sure.” I nod toward the door. “I’ll take it from here.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Damon’s smile widens as he unties his apron and tucks it behind the bar before heading for the computer to clock out. He might think I’ve done him a favor, but I’m really just thinking about myself and how I want a few more seconds alone with Jessa, even if it’s as she’s walking out the door.

I pretend to keep cleaning behind the bar, even though it’s the cleanest I’ve seen it since we opened, and wait for Sara and Jessa to finish shutting down the dining area. It’s excruciating, waiting for what feels like forever and pretending to be busy, until Sara waves goodbye and slips out the front door.

I almost expect Jessa to follow her, but she heads over to the bar with her apron in hand and takes a seat across from me on one of the barstools.

“I don’t think you can get it much cleaner back there,” she says, cocking a suspicious eyebrow at me. “I can see my reflection in every surface, even the tile. Why don’t you take a break?”

“Nothing wrong with things being clean,” I say, resting both my palms on top of the bar. “How’d you like your first day?”

Her eyes brighten, a smile teasing her pink lips and telling me everything I need to know.

“It was great,” she says. “The regulars are really nice. Flirting goes a long way with them–I think I made an extra fifty dollars just batting my eyelashes and laughing at their stupid jokes.”

Jealousy makes my chest tight, but I beat back the feeling. At least she said their jokes were stupid. That makes me feel a little better, even though I don’t like the idea of her flirting with anyone but me.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“My feet hurt like a bitch, but it was worth it.” She nods. “I can’t wait to get to my car and take these shoes off.”