Page 34 of Risky Desires

Nurse Abigail was apathetic, her focus on the magazine in front of her.

“I… I need to see my doctor…”

She made a face. “He’s done for the evening. He can visit you tomorrow.”

I shook my head quickly. I did not want to meet with that man. “No… I need to see my regular doctor… My ribs… They were broken a few weeks ago. Nora kicked me… It really hurts…”

She glanced up, studying me suspiciously. “We’ve got our own doctors for stuff like that.”

Tapping into my husband’s manipulative nature, I grimaced and played up the pain. “My doctor… he treated me while I was on the streets… He has my scans…”

She made an irritated noise. I could tell she didn't want to give in to me. I kept my head down, not wanting to upset her.

“Ugh. Fine. We’ll send for your scans. What was the doctor’s name?”

“Doctor Sean O’Connor.”

* * *

It was taking too long. Two days after asking for the nurses to contact my doctor, I still had heard nothing. Carson was supposed to visit this afternoon. If he and the doctor went ahead with the shock therapy, I was under no illusion that they’d wait another few days.

I wanted to pace, to get rid of some of the nervous energy, but I was still playing up the injured patient thing. I whimpered and moved sluggishly whenever I had to leave my room. Even some of the other patients looked at me with pity. Maybe in another life, I could’ve been an actress.

“Rosalie. Go to your room. I’m tired of your bellyaching. I get it, your ribs hurt,” Nurse Carol snapped.

With an over-exaggerated grimace, I turned around and headed back to my room. Another missed meal, but I couldn’t be bothered to care. Maybe I’d starve before they had a chance to shock me.

Once I was out of their line of sight, I could hear the nurses complaining about me.

“She’s such a baby.”

Someone snorted. “I know. I saw it happen. Nora didn’t kick that hard.”

Nurse Abigail sighed. “No, but if she was telling the truth about the broken ribs, Nora wouldn’t have needed to. It’s annoying, but whatever. She’ll have to deal with the pain. Is her husband still coming this afternoon?”

“Yes. And he’s requested she be sedated. He wants a conjugal visit,” Nurse Carol replied with a bored tone.

I froze, listening.

“Seriously? With her?”

“I mean, can you blame him? He’s a faithful guy and his wife has been missing for months. Who can fault him for wanting to get off? Besides, he’s paying extra for us to look the other way.”

My stomach twisted uncomfortably, and I hurried to my room. Carson asked them to drug me so that he could rape me, and they were just okay with it? My body shook from the tremors and I fought back tears. Every time I thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did. My mind started to stray into dangerous territory. Maybe if I made Nurse Carol angry enough, she’d kill me. Anything to escape the life I’d been forced into.

When the nurses came into my room a few minutes later, I knew what they were there for. I backed away from them, shaking my head, and Nurse Abigail shot me a bored look.

“Come on, Rosalie. Let’s not do this. We aren’t here to hurt you. We just need to give you some meds. You haven’t been sleeping well and this will help. You’ll go to sleep and wake up feeling much better.”

She was a liar, and I hated her for how bored she sounded. Like this was just another chore on her list of things to do today. I dropped the drugged act, moving away from her every time she stepped closer. I tried to dodge past her, but Nurse Carol was waiting and she caught me around the waist, hauling me off my feet and tossing me onto my bed.

Screaming, I kicked and hit, trying to keep them away from me. I couldn’t let them drug me. I would rather die.

Just as Nurse Carol yanked down my leggings, exposing my hip, a voice called out, making her pause.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? Get away from my patient!”
