Page 13 of Risky Desires

“I swear to god, you’re being ridiculous. She’s in a vulnerable position and you hanging around isn’t going to help. Why are all you Russians so possessive? She’s fine! I’ve got her meds right here and we’re going to put her to bed. Don’t–”

“She has been in there a while. You think she has the strength to walk to the room?”

“We’re helping her! She’s got three people who will help her get there. God, you’re so annoying.”

Gabi sighed, helping me sit on top of the closed toilet lid before she and Amber left me alone to see what was happening. I tried to listen to them argue, but the shaking was getting worse and I could barely keep my eyes open. I figured if I got dressed on my own, I’d get to go to bed sooner. But when I reached for the clothes on the end of the counter, I missed and tipped forward, landing hard on the floor.

The arguments went silent, and the bathroom door opened a second later. They couldn’t open it all the way, I was blocking it partially, which led to an argument about who was going to go inside to help me. It was exhausting just listening to them and a few tears slipped over my cheeks unbidden.

“Viktor, I said no–”

He must’ve ignored Britney’s warning because he slipped into the bathroom, scooping me gently off the floor. I had a death grip on the towel, but otherwise I was too weak to protest. He didn’t say anything, carrying me to the bedroom with a deep glower on his face. Gabi popped up behind him, clothes in hand, and once I was laid out in bed, they both dressed me. He was careful not to move the towel until I was covered, which I appreciated. Britney came in with the medicine, glaring at Viktor as she gave it to me. He had to help me sit up to take it, but once I was through, he tucked me under the covers, his frown so pronounced, it almost looked painful.

“I had no idea you were such a caretaker, Viktor.”

Gabi’s comment seemed to snap him out of whatever was going through his head because he straightened, taking a step back.

“I only want to help.”

She smiled sweetly. “I know. We appreciate it. Why don’t you sit with her for a minute while we clean up? I know Dmitriy wanted you to ask her about what happened, but I think she needs a little break first.”

He nodded, taking his seat beside me, frowning at the floor. After Gabi left, the room went quiet. I didn’t really know what to say to him, and he didn't say anything back to me. He must’ve noticed me watching him though, because he looked up and locked eyes with me, his expression a mix of serious and concerned. I struggled to keep my eyes open, but I felt awkward and thought maybe I should try to stay awake to answer his questions. It wasn’t until he gave me permission that I let my eyes slip shut.

“Rest, ?????. You are safe here.”


It was stilldaylight when I opened my eyes again, but I felt a little better. Still in pain, but being clean went a long way in making me feel human. It took effort to sit up, but I finally had a minute to myself to take in the room around me and my mouth fell open in shock. There wasn’t much in there, a queen sized bed and a dresser, as well as a rack to hang clothes against one wall. It was the floor to ceiling windows along one side that left me speechless. You could see the entire city from up here. Sliding my legs out of bed, I moved to push myself to my feet so I could get a better look, but my body protested and I whimpered against the pain.

The door opened a second later and an unfamiliar face peeked in. She tipped her head curiously.

“You okay? Do you need to go to the bathroom or something?”

Uneasiness swept through me and my shoulders went up automatically. Was I not supposed to get out of bed by myself?

“Is she awake?”

I heard Gabi’s voice behind the woman and it made me feel a little better when she bustled into the room and beamed at me.

“You’re up! Here, let me help you.” She reached for me, pulling me to my feet. When I stumbled, the other woman appeared at my side, steadying me.

“Woah. Easy there. Those meds Sean has you on are no joke.”

She and Gabi helped me walk, leading me out of the room and into the living room. Like before, it was more crowded than I’d expected, but this time, it was all women. Britney and Amber, I recognized, but there were two more who I didn’t know standing in the kitchen.

Once Britney noticed me up and about, she came to help. I took a minute to use the restroom before they settled me sideways on the couch, surrounded by pillows, and covered with a blanket. Britney handed me more medicine and when I gave her a wary look, she shook her head.

“These are just high strength versions of the over-the-counter meds. They shouldn’t make you tired. You need to eat something, so these are better for now. Scale of one to ten. How’s your pain right now?”

I lifted a shoulder, but my flinch gave me away and she bit back a smile.

“Yeah, that’s what I figured. Start with these. If you eat and you’re still hurting, we’ve got more.”

Dutifully, I took the meds offered. After I settled into the pillows, Gabi sat by my feet. She noticed my eyes darting around the room and smiled.

“Right, I forgot to introduce you. Rosie, these are friends of mine. That’s Jo, over there.” The woman who’d showed up in my room waved from her spot on the other end of the L shaped couch. “Mariana is making lunch right now.” A pretty latina woman wiggled her fingers with a smile from the kitchen. “Elizabeth is the one helping her, since she can be trusted to use the stove.” The comment made them all laugh as the petite woman in the t-shirt and jeans standing by Mariana gave me a small smile and wave. “You already know Amber and Britney.” They both had changed clothes after helping me and were sitting in a few arm chairs nearby.

When my gaze swung back to Gabi, she shrugged. “I hated being all alone while I recovered when I got hurt. There’s no pressure to be social. I figured it’d just be nice not to be in bed all alone.”