Gabi’s face brightened, and she took my hand gently between her own. “It’s nice to meet you, Rosie. And thank you. The guys here, they’re really important to me. Your warning means the world to me and everyone here. If you need anything, please just ask. Okay?”
I fadedin and out for most of the day. The medicine they were giving me made me really tired. Some people filtered in and out, including the doctor, but mostly it was Gabi who sat by my side. It wasn’t until the room got dark that she switched out with Viktor. He took her chair and gave me a nod before I faded again, and when I woke up, he was still sitting beside me, his eyes on his phone.
My body started to protest being in the same position all day, especially my bladder. Doctor O’Connor had given me an IV and was consistent in replenishing the saline. The discomfort finally pulled me out of the deep exhaustion and I grimaced, shifting in the bed.
“What do you need?”
Viktor’s rumbling voice broke the silence as he stood, his eyes scanning me. My face flushed. I tried to get up by myself, but the pain that I’d been blissfully drugged out from experiencing all day came roaring back and I dropped back with a whimper. Viktor put one enormous hand on my arm, shaking his head.
“Tell me what you need. I will get it for you.”
Too embarrassed to answer, I glanced toward the door, wishing Gabi would come back. I felt like I could talk to her.
“Do you need the restroom?” he queried quietly.
I nodded, ducking my chin. He didn’t complain or say anything about it. He just plucked me out of bed, pausing only to grab the pole that was holding up the IV. He was gentle, careful not to jostle me much as he opened the door and stepped out of the room. The rest of the apartment was dark, no random groups of men standing around, which was both a relief and kind of terrifying. I was alone in an apartment with a man I barely knew, and that scared me.
I wobbled when he set me on my feet in the bathroom, my legs feeling like jello. His hands shot out, gripping my elbows to steady me, and his brow furrowed tightly.
“You need help to sit.”
Nope. No matter how wobbly I felt, I didn’t want him helping me take off my clothes. I steadied myself with one hand on the towel bar, the other on the sink. It was a small bathroom, which meant there was a lot for me to grab onto to keep myself steady.
“I’m okay.”
He released me slowly, taking a step back with narrowed eyes, like he didn’t trust me not to topple the minute he was out of reach. I nodded reassuringly, and he eventually left me alone to do my business. It took some finagling, everything hurt. Someone had changed my clothes into flannel pajamas, so at least I didn't have to tug down multiple layers, instead just a pair of pajama pants and panties. It took work not to panic at the thought of someone changing me, though.
After relieving myself and using most of my energy to get back to my feet and dressed, I felt wiped out. I shifted carefully around to the sink to wash my hands, doing a double take when I saw myself in the mirror.
It wasn’t as bad as I imagined, but it wasn’t great either. The reason I struggled so much with opening my eyes was because they were almost swollen shut. Bruising covered my face to where I was almost unrecognizable. My blonde hair was so dirty, it was basically brown. You couldn’t see the hazel color of my eyes or my long eyelashes. It was pure luck that my nose didn’t look broken. It still hurt, though. It was almost unbelievable just how much damage there was, and I barely remembered it. I lifted my hand, brushing my fingertips over my cheek, choking back a sob.
There was a light knock at the door, but I couldn’t look away. I thought by staying hidden, I would be safe.
“Are you okay?”
When I didn’t answer, he cleared his throat, speaking a little louder. “I am coming in.”
He cracked the door open, peeking into the room. When he noticed me staring at myself in the mirror, he pushed the door open the rest of the way, coming to stand beside me.
“O’Connor said you will heal. Your injuries… There are many. You will need lots of rest.”
Another round of tears slipped over my cheeks. There were many. My face wasn’t even half of the issue. I could feel the sharp pain in my sides when I took a deep breath, the low burning sensation in my belly. I’d seen the bruises on my legs when I was using the toilet. I was hurt, all because I was too greedy and kept going back to that club. I should’ve minded my own business.
“You are shaking. Let me bring you back to bed.”
He didn’t wait for my reply, scooping me gently off my feet and pulling the pole along with us. If he noticed the smell after months of me living on the street, he never mentioned it. I still felt the need to apologize for it, though.
“I-I’m sorry. I know I smell. You don’t have to–”
He made a tick sound behind his teeth. “You are fine, ?????. You are hurt. You can get clean when you are ready.”
There wasn’t a hint of dishonesty in his voice, but my mind couldn’t let go of the embarrassment and shame. Even with a change of clothes, I still didn’t smell great. I was relieved when he set me back in the bed again. At least with a few feet between us, he might not smell everything. Sleeping next to dumpsters didn’t exactly make you smell flowery and nice.
He hovered until I was comfortable before turning to the bedside table. My gaze followed his, and my stomach did flips when I saw the tray there. Food. With the amount of pain I was in, it pushed the hunger aside, but when I saw the food, my body rebelled and my stomach growled loudly.
“O’Connor said you might feel nauseous because of the medicine. He said soup was best, but if you want more, I will get it for you.”