Page 4 of Risky Desires

“Viktor? What is it?” someone called out. My gaze swung to the opening of the alley, where Viktor’s friends still waited, watching us suspiciously out of the windows of the car. Viktor made an irritated sound before flipping open his wallet and offering me more money. I shook my head, trying to step away from him so he couldn’t force the issue again, but my back was up against the wall and I had nowhere to go.

“I must go. I will come back tomorrow. You will meet me, yes?”

I thought about shaking my head, but he didn’t look angry. He took my hand, forcing me to take the money he offered, and squeezed it lightly while he waited for my answer. When I nodded shakily, he squeezed my hand again before stepping away and heading back to his friends. When I glanced down, I almost burst into tears. He’d given me even more than last time, and when I looked back up at him, he gave me a significant look before climbing into the car and driving away.


Even though all myinteractions with Viktor thus far had been kind, I was still terrified of going back to the alley. I considered staying away, finding somewhere else to hide, but I eventually found myself heading in that direction. It was late, the streets dark, but still crowded. It took me a minute to get there, moving from alley to alley when I could, slinking along the buildings out of the light when I couldn’t.

Viktor was waiting for me when I showed up. Like me, he stuck to the shadows, standing just inside the alley with his back to me, his focus on the crowds. I tiptoed to his side, chewing my lip and twisting my fingers roughly.

He didn’t notice me immediately, not until I cleared my throat. His gaze jerked to me and, for a moment, I saw his fierce glower before his expression shifted. He looked over me, his brow furrowed, and I dropped my gaze out of habit.

“You are afraid of me.”

Again, not a question. Like he could read my thoughts. It was unnerving, and I had to force myself to shake my head so I wouldn’t upset him.

He huffed out a breath that sounded like disbelief, turning to face me fully.

“You are. You have no reason to be. I won’t hurt you.”

I’d heard that before. In my experience, if I didn’t put in the effort to reassure him, he’d get angry with me. I swallowed hard, trying to force the words past my lips, but nothing came out. I hadn’t spoken to a man in months, and it was harder than I thought to try again.

His hand came into view, and I flinched automatically. He froze at my response, his hand in the air just inches from my face. It didn’t look like he was going to hurt me, he was reaching for my chin instead, but old habits die hard. I lifted my gaze slowly to his, trying to apologize with my eyes at the very least.

He studied me for a moment, his hand falling back to his side. He didn’t seem angry. Instead, he took a step back, leaning against the wall of the building behind him. It gave me room to breathe and made me feel a little better. I followed his lead, leaning against the opposite wall, my hands clasped in front of my lap.

“What’s your name?”

I gave the barest shake of my head. I couldn’t give him that. It took me several weeks to work up the nerve to tell Tiffany, and it wasn’t even my real name. Not my full name, at least. I used the nickname my mother gave me. It just seemed safer that way.

Viktor didn’t push the issue, moving on after another moment of staring. “Were you paid to be here?”

I jerked my head up with a frown. Who would pay someone to live in an alley?

My confusion must’ve been written on my face because he shook his head. “If you don’t understand the question, then the answer is no. Are you supposed to gather information against us? Is that your purpose?”

Shaking my head, I edged away from him. He was asking really weird questions, and I was getting nervous. Well, more nervous than I already was. What kind of person interrogated someone for being in an alley?

When I wouldn’t answer any of his questions, his frown deepened. “Why are you here?”

My eyes flicked to the dumpster and back to him. I didn’t want to admit out loud that I had been waiting for him, ever hopeful that he might help me just a little more. I wasn’t too proud for charity, not at this point in my life, and I felt safe enough so close to the club.

Viktor’s eyes followed where mine had glanced and he pushed away from the wall, stalking over to the dumpster. Shame lit up my face as he peered around it. I didn’t own much. I sold most of it, but what little I did was tucked behind the dumpster. Some food, a bag with what little clothes I owned, a couple bottles of water. I’d spread some cardboard out on the ground the other night to be more comfortable while I waited for him. Anyone with eyes could see that a homeless person was living there.

“You… You sleep here?”

I kept my eyes on my feet, nodding slowly. What little I slept, I did here for the most part. In the shadows, close enough to civilization that I might ask for help if I needed it, but far enough away to keep attention off me.

When Viktor turned to face me again, I took a few steps back. He had done nothing yet to hurt me, but I was wary all the same.

“You will come home with me.”

My head jerked up, taking in the determination on his face. When he reached for me, I backpedaled hard, crashing against the opposite wall in a bid to stay out of his reach. He looked surprised, lurching forward to catch me before I stumbled, but when I cried out, he froze, his hands going up in surrender. I darted away, toward the busy street where people would see if he grabbed me. I didn’t stop until I was close to the end of the line, where clubbers waited to enter the building. My breath came out in pants, and the people in the line all shifted uncomfortably away from me. They probably thought I was crazy.

When Viktor emerged from the alleyway, I considered running. I wasn’t entirely sure I could outrun him, though, and it felt safer to be surrounded by people, even if they didn’t want to be anywhere near me. He approached slowly, keeping his distance and speaking low.

“I’m sorry. I did not want to scare you. I want to help. There is an empty room–”