Page 24 of Maid for Love

“Maybe,” Barron comments. “But Daniels has a reputation as a particularly fucked up douche. It’s rumored that he keeps a harem of girls at his house.”

“Aharem?” I gasp, utterly stunned. “How is that possible?”

Barron shrugs.

“If you have enough money, anything’s possible. Evidently, Daniels has a couple women living at his mansion right now. They allegedly service him at his leisure, and maybe even each other too. I’m not sure.”

I stare as Star straddles the man’s face, pulling her thong to the side to rub her pussy over his lips.

“A harem,” I whisper. “Goodness.”

Judging from Star and Lacy’s beatific expressions, they’d probably enjoy being part of a harem. I wonder what it must be like, living at the beck and call of one man. I’m definitely not judging anyone because different kinds of relationships can work for different people. But I’m not sure I could ever dothat.

“Yep, this is Logan Daniels that we’re talking about,” Barron says in a dry tone, watching as Lacy whips off her thong entirely before lowering herself down into Daniels’ lap. It’s clear the blonde’s riding him as she throws her head back, mewling with pleasure. “It’s completely possible that he has a harem. I wouldn’t put it past him. Hell, I wouldn’t putanythingpast that asshole.”

“Hmmm,” I murmur, eyeing the sordid scene before us. “Goodness.”

At that moment, Barron signals to the waitress again.

“I’m going to order some cocktails. Do you want anything, baby?”

“Um,” I blush, thinking furiously. “Actually, I’ll just have an orange juice.”

“Trying to get on the straight and narrow?” Barron asks, one eyebrow quirked. “That’s strange, honey. You didn’t tell me about this.”

I shake my head.

“Actually, it’s not strange. Um, Barron, this might not be the best time to bring this up, and I wasn’t expecting to tell you this tonight, but I guess I might as well just come right out with it.” But when I look at his expectant expression, Ican’tcome right out with it. I swallow thickly before letting out a nervous laugh.

“You know, I think I’ve finally found my calling in life. The path that I’m meant to take, the direction that I’m meant to go in. Just a few months ago I was worried that I would never be able to decipher what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but now, the answer is as clear as day. I’ve finally managed to figure it out—with your help, of course.”

My boyfriend looks absolutely confused, staring at me.

“Are you okay, Dani? This is really weird. Of course, I support you, but—”

“Yes, I’m okay!” I say quickly. “I’m more than okay! Because I’m pregnant. With your baby!”

Barron’s eyes widen until they’re the size of saucers and his mouth falls open as soon as I speak the words. If I weren’t so nervous, I’d probably be laughing right now. But I’m freaked out because what if he doesn’t want the baby? What if he thinks I’ve ruined his life by getting pregnant and making him a father? What if he doesn’t want me anymore because of this?

But my worries are for nothing because Barron lets out a surprised chuckle, and then another, and then a hearty laugh of disbelief before he picks me up to spin me around.

“Barron, Barron, stop it before I puke!” I whisper. “People are looking, for goodness sake!” My boyfriend stops abruptly, but he doesn’t put me down.

“Sorry,” he sends me a sheepish smile before clasping me close. “You’re really pregnant? Holy shit, I’m going to be a dad!”

“So you’re happy about this?” I ask shyly, my heart thudding against my rib cage as I search his face. Instead of looking angry or disappointed as I’d feared he would, he looks ecstatic.

“Of course I am, sweetheart!” Barron smiles, finally putting me down on my feet before rubbing my slightly poochy stomach. “My baby is growing in here. Why wouldn’t I be happy?”

“It’s just—” I shrug, shaking my head. “I don’t know. I know that in the past you didn’t want to be tied down by a serious relationship, so I figured this wasn’t something you wanted.”

“No,” my boyfriend growls, taking my shoulders in his big hands before staring me in the eye. “This is different.You’redifferent, Dani. I’ll be honest and say that I wasn’t expecting to settle down with anyone anytime soon, but I should have known when you first came along that you would be the one that I’d spend the rest of my life with. You’re one of a kind, and I can’t live without you, sweetheart. Because of you, I’m a better man than I was before, and I promise, nothing could make me happier than starting a family with you. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I whisper, moved to my very soul. Hastily, I wipe at the tears trailing down my cheeks before looking around the lounge. Incredibly, no one seems to notice or care, seeing that they’re involved in steamy shenanigans of their own.

Meanwhile, Barron smiles, pulling me close before leaning down for a gentle kiss.

“I love you, Danielle Smythe,” he whispers, blue eyes gleaming. “You’ve given me the best gift of all, and I don’t know how to thank you for it.”