Page 2 of Maid for Love

I don’t think I’ve ever come quicker before in my life, but my orgasm suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks. The sight of him completely dominating the two women, the vulgar sounds that spread throughout the room, and the thought of how wrong it is for me to be spying on them puts me over the edge. I struggle to muffle my moans as my cunt spasms around my fingers.

“Mmmph!” is my soft cry as my eyes roll to the back of my head. “Ohhh!”

My panties are soaking as I continue to plunge my fingers in and out of my wetness, and my legs are shaking so much that I have to flop against the wall to keep myself from falling down completely. I’m glad that the three of them are being so loud because otherwise, I’m sure they would hear me.

But when their moaning begins to die down a little, I force myself to pull my fingers out of my cunt and try to bring myself down from my climax. I have to get out of here before one of them notices my shadow in the hallway.

Quickly, I pull down my skirt before wiping my fingers on some hand towels. Then, I take one final peek inside the room to make sure they aren’t looking and scurry past the door and back to the common area. I grab my cart as quickly as I can and begin pushing it toward the front door of the suite, mentally cursing myself because obviously, the common areas are clean now. They’ll know that someone was here. But all I can do is hope that they won’t care to question it too much because what I witnessed was shocking … and altogether delectable too.



“Stupid Seymour,” I grumble under my breath as I hightail it toward my manager’s office. After yesterday’s escapade, I managed to get through the rest of my shift unscathed. I went home and immediately took a deep bath to try and relax. It worked, but now I’m back at the Hotel Nova and wondering if there will be any repercussions. As soon as I stepped into the staff room, my friend Margot told me that our manager wanted to see me.

“Really? Right now?” I asked.

“Yep,” Margot said while flipping her curls over one shoulder. She snapped her gum. “You better go, Dani, because you know Seymour expects us to jump at his beck and call.”

I roll my eyes because our manager is a piece of work. Every interaction I have with him takes ten years off my lifespan, I swear. But what can I do? I suck in a deep breath when I get to his office, trying to compose myself before I walk in. When I’m about as prepared as I can be to deal with him, I knock on the door, waiting for his muffled response.

“Come!” he barks.

I open the door and poke my head in.

“Hey Mr. Hinds—"

“Danielle,” he barks loudly, waving me in. “It’s about time you got here.”

I sigh silently as I gingerly close the door behind me and walk over to his desk, taking a seat in one of the chairs before it.

“Sorry it took me so long, Mr. Hinds,” I apologize. “Was there something you needed?”

He frowns, running a hand through his greasy hair before resting his elbows on the desk and clasping his hands together. He’s a skinny, young-ish man in a suit that’s about four sizes too big. As a result, the material emphasizes his narrow shoulders and thin frame. His dark eyes look me over as he licks his lips before leaning back in his seat and raising a brow at me.

Seymour does this every time I’m called into his office. He can never just get straight to the point. Instead, the thin man likes lording his power over me, stalling and making me squirm as I wait. It’s ridiculous, to tell the truth, because he’s a low-level manager here at the hotel, but he likes to act like he’s some kind of huge deal, ultra-successful CEO or something. He’s not. He’s just a twenty-seven-year-old man-child who got promoted to manager when the last manager quit and no one else was around to take the position because we were short-staffed. Now, he’s got an office with a desk and a semi-decent view, so he thinks he’s the epitome of success.

“Danielle,” Seymour says. The man-child’s forced deep voice makes my brow twitch, but I manage to keep my face blank aside from that. “I’ve gotten a complaint about you from a hotel guest. Averyimportant hotel guest.”

My heart drops down to my stomach as I sit up a little straighter, crossing one leg over the other as I clear my throat. I try not to show my alarm as I shrug my shoulders, keeping my face as neutral as possible.

“Oh, really? What was the complaint? Did I forget to hang some towels straight? Did I forget to take out the trash in someone’s room? I apologize for the oversight,” I murmur, trying to make it seem as if I’m thinking things over out loud.

“No, it’s a much bigger issue than just forgetting to take out the trash,” the greasy man says while glowering ominously. I swallow thickly, trying my best not to look nervous.

“Um well, what is it then?” I question.

“It’s the guest staying in the presidential suite,” Seymour starts, sending me a hard look. “He says that you rummaged through his belongings while you were cleaning his room.”

I gasp, my brows furrowing as my mouth flies open in shock. NowthatI certainly didnotdo! I didn’t touch any of his personal items! Everything I cleaned or rearranged was hotel property, and I definitely didn’t go snooping through anyone’s things! He must have me mistaken for someone else.

“Mr. Hinds, I swear, I didn’t touch any of his stuff–”

“He seems to think that you did, and he wants you fired for it.”

My eyes practically bulge out of my head at the sound of that threat. I can’t lose this job! I enjoy working here, and I don’t want to be fired over something that I didn’t even do! Besides, given the tight job market, I know I can’t find anything else right now.

“You can’t fire me! I didn’t do anything wrong!”