“Goodness, we’re going to have a feast! You don’t think this will draw too much attention, do you?” Danielle asks.
“Probably not. I don’t think Seymour even remembers that he’s in the middle of a restaurant right now. Look.” I nod my head towards the scrawny man and watch as Danielle’s eyes widen as soon as she takes in the sight of him sandwiched between Star and Lacy.
The two girls are hanging all over him, Star giggling as she sits–or, should I say, bounces–in his lap, and Lacy leaning over enough to expose her breasts to him as she runs a hand along the inside of his thigh. Other restaurant-goers are staring at them too, but Seymour is too busy living his biggest wet dream in real life to notice, and I know from firsthand experience that the girls don’t care.
“They’re good at their jobs,” Danielle comments, impressed. “They really know how to show a man a good time! Even a guy like Seymour Hinds.”
“They’re true professionals,” I chuckle before offering her a slice of garlic bread. “Would you like some more wine?”
Danielle shakes her head.
“I better pace myself,” she jokes. “Thanks for all this, by the way. I mean, the food, the wine, paying Star and Lacy to go out with Seymour just to save me from a horrendous date. You’re very kind, sir,” she grins. “I appreciate it.”
“I didn’t send the two of them out on this date with him instead of you just because I wanted to be kind,” I growl. “I also did it because I wanted to spend more time with you and savemyselfthe pain of having to think about you being out on a date with Seymour.”
“Oh?” Danielle quirks up a pretty brow, and I nod.
“Yeah, because our time is drawing to a close, sweetheart. I’m checking out of the hotel tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, I see,” she murmurs, a look of disappointment adorning her face.
“Don’t be disappointed,” I say. “I’m suggesting a plan of action right now.”
Danielle furrows her brows in confusion. “What plan of action?”
I grin at her.
“I’m suggesting that you sneak into the Presidential Suite again, spy on me and the girls while we’re having sex so I can make another phone call to Seymour, have him beg to save your job, and then try to blackmail you into going on a date with him again so I can send Star and Lacy in your place and we can have yet another date. Seems like a simple enough plan to me. You’ve done it once before, so it should come easy,” I joke.
Dani lets out a loud laugh before shaking her head. “No thanks, once is more than enough for me! But maybe we could revise that plan. Maybe skip a few steps to make it good as new.”
“Let me hear your strategy then,” I growl.
“Well, you know I don’t want you to be with Star and Lacy anymore.”
I cut her off.
“I haven’t. Not since we were together, which is why I set them up with Seymour. They’ve already been paid for their time, and I don’t want them to hang around doing nothing.”
“Good,” Danielle nods, biting her lip shyly. “Thank you. That means a lot to me, Barron, although I don’t know exactly why.”
I have an inkling why, but I keep my lip buttoned as the curvy girl continues speaking.
“Why don’t…” she murmurs as she leans in closer to me. “I go back to your suite with you tonight, and instead of spying on you and the girls, maybe the girls can watch us.And,” she pauses for dramatic effect before continuing with a sly smile. “I’ll let you take me out on a date again next weekend too. Hmm? How does that sound?”
“Like a much better plan than mine,” I growl. Danielle lets out a breathy gasp as I lean down and claim her mouth in a rough kiss, biting at her lip in order to get her to part them before sliding my tongue into her mouth. The sound of the soft moan that she lets out as she tilts her head to deepen the kiss goes straight to my cock, and I groan as I pull her closer to me, squeezing her waist with one hand as I push her legs apart with the other.
I’m just about to begin stroking her pussy when I hear someone clear their throat. Danielle jumps away from me, breaking the kiss immediately, and turns to look at a man that’s sitting at a table not too far from ours.
“Ahem,” he says.
Danielle quickly turns back around to hide her face in my neck, but I simply glare at the man until he swallows and swivels around to avoid my gaze.
“Cock block,” I spit, and Danielle giggles and squeezes my thigh once before sliding away from me.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that later,” she purrs before glancing over at Seymour’s table again. “Yikes. It seems like we’re not the only ones putting on a show in the restaurant anyways. Trellis is getting a lot of action tonight.”
I turn to look and have to stifle a laugh because it’s obvious that Seymour just climaxed. He’s panting with his head thrown back, and there’s a telling wet spot on his pants. Meanwhile, Star and Lacy are cooing while rubbing their breasts against his chest and stroking his thighs.