Finn spoke up. "Aye, lass. Lochguard is willing to help."

Bram said, "And Stonefire too."

Rhydian grunted. "As long as we can start with a smaller group, Snowridge will help as well. My adopted son is half-human, and I couldn't imagine not taking him in. Not helping others like Rian would be wrong."

That meant she only had Northcastle and Skyhunter left to convince.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, she addressed Asher and Honoria. "What about Skyhunter?"

Honoria glanced at Asher—who was also her mate—and then answered, "We want to. But children require a lot of medical attention, and Skyhunter has struggled with only one doctor since the DDA recruited Dr. Harper for some project. Until we get another one, I'm not sure if we can say yes. We'd love to welcome orphans to Skyhunter, but I want to ensure we can take care of them properly."

This was something Jane hadn't realized in advance. Stonefire had so many doctors, she just assumed it was the same with most clans. Even Lochguard had two, plus a third one in training.

As she tried to think of a solution, Bram spoke up. "I would need to discuss it with Sid, Gregor, and Trahern, but if Trahern is willing, he might help you out until you can finish training your second doctor." Bram glanced at Rhydian. "As long as you don't mind. He is technically part of your clan."

Dr. Trahern Lewis was the Welsh dragon doctor who had come to Stonefire a while ago to help with research. He was a bit odd, but extremely intelligent. Even if his bedside manner wasn't the greatest, he would do whatever it took to save a patient.

Rhydian shrugged. "He's been on Stonefire so long, I sort of think of him as one of yours now, aye? But Trahern needs to agree. The lad isn't the greatest with change and forcing him wouldn't help anyone."

Bram replied, "I'll talk to him."

Adrian from Northcastle jumped in. "We have a third doctor in training right now. I can't send another to help Skyhunter out yet, but it's a possibility when she finishes her training."

Hope bloomed in Jane's chest. Both from the offer from Bram, but also the one from Adrian. If the Northcastle leader was willing to lend a doctor when he could, then did it mean he was also on board to agree to her project? She asked, "Adrian, what about Northcastle?"

The Northern Irish dragon clan leader crossed his arms over his chest and stared at her. If he was trying to make her squirm, he'd be waiting a long, long time. If she could outlast Kai's stares and frowns, she could outlast anyone's.

Eventually, the tall dragon leader shrugged one shoulder. "I'm willing to try. But I do have one question, though. You were supposed to be the person in charge of this all, as a sort of point person, correct?"

"Yes," she said slowly, unsure of where this was going.

"Then what will happen when you have your baby? Who will be in charge then?"

She echoed, "Baby?"

What in the world was he talking about?

Her gaze shot to Kai. His eyes were full of love, his pupils flashing, and he nodded.

Jane looked down and placed a hand over her belly. When had this happened? Why hadn't Kai told her?

Would she be able to keep it to term, or would she lose it? She wasn't compatible with dragon-shifters, after all. And if she lost it, would she want to try again? Would Kai be disappointed in her? What if, what if, what if raced through her brain.

And as the questions whirred through her mind, she felt light-headed and the room tilted. Jane barely registered that she'd fallen and Kai had caught her before the world went black.


Bloody stupid Adrian Conroy, and his blurting out that Jane was pregnant. Kai had only noticed the change in her scent in the bathroom and had wanted to wait until after the meeting to share the news. He hadn't wanted to fuck up her pitch.

And then Conroy had done it.

Watching Jane's face shift from confusion to worry tore at his heart. Then he noticed her wobble, and he dashed up toward the front of the room, catching her right before she hit the ground.

As he stroked his mate's forehead, he growled out, "Call Dr. Sid."

Someone said they had, but he didn't pay attention to anything else said behind him. No, he didn't like his Janey pale and unconscious.

His dragon spoke up.It's just shock.