Page 77 of Twisted Hearts

She frowns. “Uh huh. How come you’re all sweaty and glowing?”

I frown, shrugging. “It’s hot as hell in here. And the bar is swamped. Anyway, I’m gonna take off.”

“Well, yes,” Callie sighs. “Wouldn’t want to keep Mr. Demanding waiting. The living room floor awaits,” she says with a wink.

I know she’s just kidding. I know she’s just joking around. Iknowshe doesn’t mean it maliciously or anything.

But when I hear it like that, I frown.

What the fuck am I doing?


We really do need some fucking boundaries if this is going to work. And this is one of them. I’m not a puppy. I’m not his to parade around on a leash wherever and whenever he pleases. And as the mix of emotions, adrenaline, and alcohol swirl inside of me, my brow furrows.

My car is waiting outside. You have five minutes.

Yeah, no, fuck that. Controlling and dominant is hot in bed—or over his desk, or against bathroom sinks, for that matter. But the rest of the time, when we’renotfucking?

I’m a freaking person. Myownperson. Not his. And I’m done being constantly ordered around like I am.

There are limits, and I just found mine.

“Hey, you okay?”

I blink and focus on Callie. She frowns.

“I was totally just kidding. You know that, right?”

I smile. “Yeah, of course.”

She stands and takes my hand. “I love ya. I just want you to be happy and safe. And if Mr. Tyrant does that for you?” She shrugs. “Go for it, girl. And have fun,” she winks.

“Thanks,” I grin back as she hugs me close.

I say goodnight to Dahlia. Just as I’m leaving, Callie stops me. She smirks, lifting a brow as she pulls close.

“Nice men’s cologne,” she snickers low in my ear, turning my face the color of red wine. “And don’t think for a second I didn’t see you stagger over to our table from the direction of the ladies room looking like you just got off a rollercoaster.”

When she pulls back, I stare at her, not sure what to say. Callie just grins and gives me a friendly swat on the butt.

“Go have fun, lady. Call me!”

She and Dahlia head over to the bar for a last round of margaritas. I turn to glance at the front door, where I know Gavan is waiting for me.

Then I turn, smile to myself, and march out thebackdoor.

Screw. Him.

The night is warm. But it’s stillwaycooler out than it was in the sweltering, overly crowded bar. I shoulder my bag, grinning, a little pep in my step—partly from the mind-blowing sex I just had, and partly from my decision to createmy ownboundaries with Gavan.

The pain comes out of nowhere.

I choke out a gasp, knocked off balance by the sheer force of the blow to my head. I hear a grunt as someone hits me again, making me cry out as I fall to the ground.

The gritty pavement of the alley behind the bar bites into my palms and knees. I try to stand, when suddenly a powerful kick slams into my ribs, knocking the wind out of me and sending pain exploding all through my side.

There’s another kick, and then another as I cry out again and feebly try to block it with my hands. A shadow looms over me, spiking fear through my heart before another blow slams into my head.