Page 71 of Twisted Hearts

Except you’re not super upset about that, are you?

Callie keeps going. “Ruh-row. The tyrant is mad! Watch. Out,” she types, “World!” She instantly laughs. “He just asked if you’re drunk.”

“Not nearly drunk enough for this,” I mutter, slamming back three large gulps of my margarita.

“I told him it was none of his beeswax, and that you weren’t an on-call surgeon.”

I groan. “Will youpleasegive me back my phone?”

“Not until you tell me who I’m texting on your behalf.”

“Not happening.”

“Well then, I guess this is my plane to pilot then, huh?”

I lunge again, but she pulls back, typing away.

“Night night, mister grumpy pants,” she giggles, sending a text. Her eyes bulge when she reads his response. “Dude, this guy is insane. ‘Get your ass to my goddamn house right now or else’?!” She glances up at me. “Okay, seriously. Should I be worried? Honestly?”


“Just about me killing you to get my fucking phone back!”

“Okay, okay. Hang on. One more.” She sends something and then slides the phone across the table to me with a flourish. “I hope the sex is fantastic, ‘cause this guy seems like a complete psycho.”

“At least he’s not a phone thief,” I mutter darkly, picking up my phone and glancing at what she said.

Jesus. Christ.


lol this is getting pathetic. Go jerk off if you’re that hard up. Byyeee.

My head jerks around, my eyes searching for the guy who was at the bar before, who I’m still convinced was one of Gavan’s guys, spying on me, ready to pass along exactly where I am. When I don’t see him anymore, my core clenches.

Yeah, I’m fucking screwed.



This has gonefrom bad to worse.

After half an hour of anxiously waiting for Gavan to somehow magically find me and exact his punishment on me for saying no to him, I’m at the bar getting another round of drinks none of us need in the slightest when a hand lands heavily on my arm.

When I turn, I physically recoil. My stomach knots, and my entire body goes numb.

“Been a while, Eilish.”


I haven’t actually talked to or even seen Brooks since our high school graduation, which he absolutely ruined for me.

When he cornered me, after I’d managed to avoid him for a week, and snarled his threats at me. Dangled what he had on me over my head as a way to keep me quiet about what had happened.

What he’d done.

I’ve spent years trying to pretend that what he has that could destroy me doesn’t, in fact, exist; that the events of that night never actually happened.