Page 28 of Twisted Hearts

He picks up his tablet, thumbing it on and sipping his coffee, pointedly ignoring me.


Turning, I march over to the desk, my face throbbing as I yank my dress back on. Gavan still says nothing as I walk to the door, furiously avoiding looking at the now-empty glass case that once contained a hundred-and-twenty-four-million-dollar Fabergé egg.

“To clear up any confusion, Eilish…”

I pause, still facing the door, when he speaks.

“When I say that will be all, I mean that will be all fortoday. We aren’t done by a fucking mile, in case you were feeling hopeful that making me an average at best cappuccino was anywhere close to paying back what you destroyed.”

My brows knit as I turn to glance at him. “I didn’t think—”

“Monday. Same time.”

“I have class.”

“I really don’t give a fuck. Monday, eight o’clock.”


I turn to the door again.

“And Eilish?”

I pause again, my hand on the knob.

“Wear some nicer fucking panties next time.”

My lips curl into a snarl. “Asshole.”

I’ve barely started to twist the doorknob when I hear and feel the thunder of his approach. I whirl, gasping, and my face goes chalk-white when he surges right into me. I choke and sputter as he grabs me hard by the throat and the hip, slamming me against the door. His huge, powerful frame pins me to it, sending alarm bells and forbidden heat exploding through my core.

“I did mention what would happen if you spoke to me like that again.”

My eyes bulge. “I—”

One second, I’ve gone twenty-one years without being kissed by a man like Gavan. The next second, it’s a sensation I could never forget in a million lifetimes as his lips slam into mine.

It’s a kiss like the invasion of Normandy was a trip to the beach. A kiss like the Sistine Chapel has paint on the ceiling. It’s not even really a kiss.

It’s a declaration of war.

It’s subjugation.


And yet, at the same time, the single hottest moment of my life.

He kisses me viciously, and when his teeth sink into my bottom lip so hard that a coppery taste spills across both of our tongues, I cry out into his mouth. It’s only then that he draws back, leaving me stunned, swimming, and breathless, the taste of blood on my lips.

“Consider that a warning shot,” he growls quietly. “Monday. Same time.”

Everything’s a blur as I turn, dazed and stunned, and open the door. When it shuts behind me, I have to actually lean against it for a moment, lest I have a heart attack while I’m trying to walk down the stairs.

When I’ve collected myself, I make a beeline down the stairs, across the main area, and past the receptionist desk toward the elevators.

“Nice meeting you, Eilish.”