Page 18 of Twisted Hearts

“The Svetlana situation?”

He nods. “Look, I wouldn’t pry, except—”

“Except for the fact that her fucking vendetta has the potential to fuck all of us over?”

Lukas and Konstantin glance at each other again unhappily before nodding.

“Pretty much,” Lukas growls quietly. “Look, I know you fucking hate her—”

“It’s all good,” I shrug. “We’ve come to an agreement on assets, and she’ll drop the rest of her goddamn crusade.”

Svetlana, otherwise known as “the devil-cunt herself”, is Vadim’s sister.

My nemesis.

My hatred.

My pain.

She’s the reason I’m the way I am. The one who broke me when I was thirteen.

Vadim never had much love for his sister. But he trusted her enough to send me to live with her here in New York when I was in my early teens and he was traveling a lot for Antin Reznikov. And he liked her well enough to leave her a sizable amount in his will when he passed.

A sizable amount that I promptly did everything I could to cheat her out of. Not because I needed the extra money. But becausefuck her, that’s why.

Because we’re talking about a woman whodestroyedme when I was barely more than a child. She didn’t have an ounce of respect or love for the man I called father, and she took out her rage at her brother on me.

But since then, Svetlana has lawyered the fuck up. And she wants back what I took from her. The scary thing is, she’s actually got a chance at getting it. She’s managed to hire one of the most fuck-you estate law firms in the world—not sure how, since she’s basically broke at this point—to come after me. And because they can prove malfeasance on my part, they’re trying to leverage that to get not just what I denied her in the will, but alotmore of my assets.

Assets like Ironclad Capital. More specifically, the ninety percent controlling interest Ironclad Capital has in Koikov Bank in Russia.

Koikov Bank is where and how Konstantin and I, Lukas’ family, the Volkov Bratva, and the Tsavakov organization clean their dirty money. If my aunt were to get her hands on Koikov, it would be catastrophic.

Luckily, after a few months of legal battles to the near-death, we’ve worked out a deal. Devil Cunt will forever back the fuck off from my company in exchange for the one thing of Vadim’s she’s always coveted. One little thing—which seems like a bad deal for her, but what do I care—and this whole fucking thing is over.

It’s a simple deal, the easiest one I’ve ever made in my life. Except it became very muchlesssimple and easy last night, when Eilish Kildare smashed that one thing that Svet wants so much into about forty pieces on my office floor.

The egg. Svetlana wants the fucking Imperial Shield Fabergé egg.

So, yeah…that’s howthat’sgoing.

Konstantin’s eyes go up. “Drop the crusade? Seriously?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Just like that? She’s dropping all of her bullshit? In exchange for what?”

“Just something of Vadim’s she always wanted. It’s all good.”

It’s not good at all. In fact, it’s the very, very opposite of good. Because when she finds out the egg is off the table…so to speak…this shit is going to go nuclear.

I need to figure out how to stop that.

Konstantin shakes his head in admiration. “Well fuck, man. This is why I’m not at all worried about screwing off for a year. See? You’ve got this handled.”

Yeah, totally handled.
