Page 131 of Twisted Hearts

“Yaelle is strong,” Drazen grunts. “She is the one who helped Ms. Kildare off of the plane, too.”

I turn back to level an icy look at him. “If you’re looking for mercy…”

I hit him once more before whirling and grabbing one of the last large shards of the egg from the table. I spin back and snarl as I press the sharp, jagged edge of it against Drazen’s throat.

“You’ll find none with me.”

Drazen grunts, spitting out blood before smiling a bloody grin at me. “I’m not looking for mercy, Gavan,” he growls. “I’m looking forallies.”

I bark a cold laugh. “You’re insane.”

“It’s been suggested before.” He shrugs. “You can kill me if you like. But I have a counter-offer.”

“Which is?”

Drazen smiles thinly. “Definitive evidence of Abram Diduch falsely using my name to declare war on your precious Council. And I do meandefinitive.”

My eyes draw to slits. “I’ve seen your calling cards from the attacks in New York. And I know for a fact that you’ve used those before in other wars with your enemies.”

He nods. “Yes, but so does Abram. My flare for the theatrics at times is not a secret. And unless I’m mistaken, I don’t imagine it’s hard to get your hands on a deck of cards in New York City,” he says with a smirk.

I glare at him. He glares right back.

“You can kill me and accuse Abram, and go nowhere with those accusations. Or you can let me up, we can shake hands like men, and I will give you everything you need to stop him.”

“That’s it?”

“Not quite.” He smirks. “Iwillbe making a play to sit at that table. I am confident you will have a free seat soon enough. I don’t imagine Abram will be staying much longer, not after you prove to the other Council chairs that he was behind the attacks on Marko Kalishnik and Viktor Komarov.” His lips curl. “I want yourvote, Gavan. And I want your support getting others to vote for me as well.”

I eye him warily. “That won’t be easy.”

“You’re a very persuasive man, or so I’ve heard.” He smiles. “Oh, and I can also prove that Abram is bankrolling your father’s sister’s legal crusade against you, if that tips the scales at all.”

My jaw grinds as a flash of rage explodes through my system.

Yeah, it just might.

“What do you say, Gavan?” He smirks. “The King of Diamonds would be a powerful friend. And I’m only half the monster I’m rumored to be.”

“Which half,” I mutter.

Drazen grins. “Why don’t we find out? It’s your call.”



Gavan and Drazen shakehands before the older man passes Gavan a hard drive.

“Everything you need is on that. Oh, and since you may not have heard in your mad rush to get here, Marko Kalishnik is awake.” Drazen smiles grimly. “I’m sure he’d welcome a chance to see what I have on Abram before he metes out his vengeance on the snake. My helicopter is waiting outside to take you back to your plane.”

Gavan says nothing. He just nods, pockets the hard drive, and then walks directly over to me. He takes my hand tightly, not looking back as he leads me out of the courtyard, through the lavish home, and out the front door to the chopper.

“Where do you want to go?” he murmurs in my ear as we climb in. “Literally anywhere you want. My plane is waiting on the mainland.”

I just smile as I slide in next to him and turn to look into his eyes.

“Home,” I breathe as I close the distance between my lips and his. “I just want to go home. With you.”