Page 106 of Twisted Hearts

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I losetrack of time as I exact my vengeance. It’s hours later when I finally step back from the limp, near-dead, blood-soaked men hanging from meat hooks in the basement of one of my properties deep in Brooklyn.

I’m shirtless and covered in blood. It’s not my own blood, though. My muscles are still quivering from what I’ve just done to the two men who are quite literally begging for death.

They’ll have to beg harder if they want my mercy, though.

Behind me, Korol sits back in a metal chair, drinking a beer. He offers the bottle to me, and I take a sip to wet my throat before I turn back to the two pieces of shit who dared to lay hands on Eilish. Whohurther.

It’s clear they’re both nothing more than a couple of knuckle-dragging street thugs. But again, it’s clear they weren’t there to mug Eilish. Or else they’d havetakenthe several thousand dollars’ worth of jewelry and other valuables on her person. No, this was done to hurt her. It was done to send a message.

It means someone hired these two fucks, and I want to knowwho.

So far, they’ve both been silent on that front. Which would almost impress me under any other circumstances—like, if they hadn’t put Eilish in the fucking hospital.


One of them men burbles blood and spittle from his savaged mouth as he tries to speak.

“What?” I snap. “Korol, did you hear anything?”

“Nah. I think one of these assholes just farted, boss.”

I snarl, advancing on the one who just tried to say something, relishing the way he flinches. Or, tries to flinch, at least. He’s dangling from his arms: one shoulder has dislocated, at least one of his legs is definitely broken, along with most of his ribs and his nose, and his face looks like a fucking horror show. Still, he’s doing better than his buddy, who’s drifting in and out of consciousness.

And who is now missing an eye.

“What,” I rasp in the first man’s face.

He whimpers, blubbering again.

“Ple—please,” he chokes.

“Pleasewhat,” I snap. “Please stop? Please kill you, to end your suffering?”

His head lifts up and drops pathetically again, like he’s nodding.

“If you want this to stop,” I snarl, grabbing a handful of his hair. “If you long for the sweet embrace of death, you know what I need to know.”

He lifts and drops his head again in a small nod.


The word croaks from his bloody lips. Next to him, his friend groans, and it sure looks to me like he’s shaking his head. I snort.

“You’re worried about any consequences from whoever hired you. I can understand that. But let me be clear.Neitherof you is leaving this room alive. Ever. But today is just day one of…well,” I smile. “Of however long I choose to keep you alive and in misery.” I frown. “You hurt someone I care for. And believe me, I can make your stay in this basement, and this pain, drag out foran eternityshould I choose to. There’s no need to be afraid of whoever hired you anymore.”

They both groan as I leer close in their faces.

“Be afraid ofme, my friends. Be afraid of the pain I am prepared to inflict upon you for so long you will beg for Hell. Trust me,” I hiss as stab my gaze into both of their faces. “I am your devil now.”

One-eye looks like he’s fading out again. But the one who tried to speak before lifts and drops his chin again.

“Tell me,” I snarl, leaning close. I pull the gun out from where it’s tucked in my belt and wave it in front of him. “Tell me, and you have my word, I will let you die right now.”

He nods again, a shell of a man. His lips move.

I frown, moving close. “What?”