Page 83 of Twisted Hearts

She smirks, but still glares at me. “That was…different.”

“You’re right, it was. We wereactivelyabout to go to war with the Drakos family when that happened.”

She sighs, looking away.

“Just tell me this. Are you safe?”

“I am.”


I bite back a smile.

Way more than I should be.


She frowns, shaking her head before she looks back at me. “And do you promise that if that asshole tries anything, or hurts you inanyfucking way, you’ll tell me, so that I can murder him with a blunt instrument after castrating him?”

I snort. “Definitely.”

My sister’s lips twist. “I love you, Eils.”

“I love you, too.” I frown. “Look, can you…”

“Nottell Castle?” She makes a face. “Yeah, not a fuckingchance. Do I look like I have a death wish? That’s on you if you want to open that particular nuclear suitcase.”

I grin. “Can you maybe not tellanyone? I mean, not yet. It’s all pretty new, and I just—”

“Like you said,” she says with a sigh. “You’re not a kid, Eils. Tell or don’t tell whomever you want, whenever you want. Okay?”

I nod. “Thank you.”

Maybe this is a bad idea.

But also, more than anything, he’s the one that I want here with me right now.

And maybe that makes this not such a bad idea after all.



What the fuckamI doing with her?

My brow knits as I watch her from the doorway as she sleeps. Neve and Castle have left. Visiting hours are long over.

I don’t care if they are or not. It’s what separates the Bratva from organizations like the Kildare and Drakos families. Despite all of us existing and operating in the same industry—namely, crime—they still feel the need to walk on a certain side of a line.

As in, when visiting hours where over an hour ago, Castle and Neveaskedthe nurses for ten more minutes, which they were given.

I don’t ask. I take. Or, in this case, bribe. Because right now, all I want is to be right here, with her.

I step into the room, crossing to sit on the little stool next to her hospital bed. She’s going to be okay—just some scrapes and bruises, and a minor concussion.

Not, mind you, that any of that is “okay”.

I’ve already spoken to Korol about putting the word out to find whoever did this to her. For one, obviously, because I want to bathe in their blood and screams. But also, I want some fucking answers.