Its eyes, which had previously held a spark of mischief, were now filled with a menacing hunger that made my blood run cold. The creature's gaze roamed over my exposed torso, lingering on my heaving chest and the curve of my hips. I tried to pull away, but its grip was too strong, and it continued to push me closer to the water's edge. As I struggled against its hold, I could feel its breath hot against my skin. Its hands roamed over my body, exploring and groping, as if it were trying to claim me as its own.

I shuddered at the thought, trying to break free from its grasp. But the creature's grip only tightened, its fingers digging into my flesh. As I looked into its eyes, I knew that this was not Goblin King I had encountered earlier. This was something much darker and more dangerous, and I feared for my life.

My mind went over every creature I had heard about as a child. Every creature that existed that we were warned about. What creature would seduce a woman, what creature had magic strong enough to want a woman to mate with it? My mind raced as I tried to figure it out. My heart raced as I realized the full horror of what I was facing.

It was an Incubus.

The demon's grip tightened around my leg, the tail coiling around me like a snake. Its scaly texture cold against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. I gasped for air, my heart racing as I tried to pull away. But it was too strong, too determined to have me.

As I struggled, I couldn't help but think of the stories I'd heard of demons like this. They were creatures that sought out women in their sleep, taking them as mates to produce offspring. The thought of being trapped with this demon forever, bound to it by some unholy bond, made my stomach turn.

My panic turned to terror as the demon's tail and arms lifted me off the ground and carried me closer to the water's edge. I could feel the cool water lapping at my feet, threatening to swallow me up if I couldn't break free. I fought with all my might, slamming my fists into the demon's face in a desperate attempt to make it release me.

For a moment, I thought I had succeeded as the demon let go of me, giving me a chance to stumble backwards. But before I could get too far, its tail wrapped around my leg again, yanking me back toward it. I could feel its hot breath on my skin, its eyes raking over my body as it contemplated what to do with me next.

The magic that had once held me in its thrall now felt like a curse. It compelled me to comply, to give in to the demon's desires, but I refused to be its slave. I screamed, the sound echoing through the forest as I fought against the demon's hold. My hands clawed at its face, trying to find any weakness I could exploit.

Finally, my palm connected with its nose again, sending a spray of dark blood into the air. The demon sneered, but its grip on me faltered for a moment. That was all the opportunity I needed to break free, to scramble to my feet and reach for my clothes. But the demon was quick, its tail coiling around my leg and flinging me to the ground.

I knew I had to keep fighting, to keep trying to break free, no matter how impossible it seemed. Because if I didn't, this demon would take me and I would be lost forever.

The demon's face loomed over me, and in a split second, I acted on pure instinct. With all the force I could muster, my foot connected with its chest, sending the creature flying backwards into the water. As it emerged from the depths, its disguise had vanished, revealing a hideous sight.

It’s true self.

Its skin was a disgusting shade of green and covered in rough scales with writhing tendrils of what I could only assume was hair sprouted from the top of its head. Its nose had shrunk to tiny slits, resembling that of a snake and sharp claws longer than my fingers protruded from its hands. Its teeth, yellowed and menacing, flashed in my direction as its tongue darted in and out. After a moment, it righted itself- its eyes locked on me. I knew there was nowhere for me to run, and that I wouldn't be able to escape fast enough.

I felt the impending doom as it stalked towards me again.

But a tendril of dark shadows snaked across the ground from behind me. As the shadows enveloped the demon, it let out a final, blood-curdling screech. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. The power of the Goblin King was beyond anything I had ever imagined.

His shadows, so thick and suffocating, seemed to have a life of their own. They moved with a fluid grace that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring. Gliding over the grass and dirt as they went for the demon. The shadows had snuffed it out as it encapsulated it, blocking its access to me. I was paralyzed, from the depths of the trees the Goblin King stepped forward.

His shadows rolled off of him in a thick dark coat.

I’d never seen anything like this before, never seen what his shadows could do. They were different from the ones I had seen before. Theyfeltdifferent, theyweredifferent. These shadows were lethal, older. I could feel it in my whole being that these shadows were not from here, it made my skin prickle. My heart raced as something deep flickered, something I’d never felt before, calling to them. It hummed in greeting. These shadows were a magic far older than the Fae Realm itself.

The tears pricked at my eyes as my body became my own again. As I regained control of my senses. The magic slipped away back to where it had come from. The disgust finally washed over me at what had just happened. I only glanced back once to where the incubus had been, but it was gone. As the shadows retreated it left the waters of the cenote empty, quiet again.

My voice was hoarse. My scream had ripped it to shreds. “What happened to it?”

His voice was cold as he replied. “Does it matter?”

I shook my head as I stood. I couldn’t answer him, I couldn’t even look at him. Even if I tried, I knew the tears would stop any words from coming out. I refused to be a hysterical mess in front of him. Standing before him after this encounter was far more embarrassing than anything. He’d saved my life again, whether he wanted me to be or not, I was indebted to him. I opened my mouth to say thank you, but he spoke before the words could form on my tongue.

“It hasn’t even been forty-eight hours.” He glared. His tone came off even colder than before. “How? How are you such a magnet to things that would otherwise kill you? Or in this instance, try to seduce you?”

Oh, oh this male really was infuriating!

Through all of that I had forgotten how much he managed to get under my skin. How truly angry he could make me.

And I was going to express my thanks?

The unshed tears dried up as I stared at him. His black doublet was unbuttoned, exposing the white shirt he had tucked into the tops of his trousers. The fireflies cast him in a warm glow, far from what the mood felt like with him standing before me.

Icy and dark.

His gaze was calculating as he looked me up from head to toe. I had forgotten I was in my chemise, and I was soaking wet. Leaving nothing for him to imagine. Instinctively, I grabbed my clothes again, covering myself.