“No. No, you didn’t. I did say I had something for you. I’m just … I, umm, it’s not quite finished. I’d thought I could do it in the last half hour but the whole brouhaha, thinking you’d left … it’s just not ready.”

We return to intense, silent eye contact. Dangerous intensity. High voltage silence. I have to interrupt where my mind is going.

“I think you’re bluffing,” I say, smiling, friendly.


“Yeah, I don’t think you actually have anything for me. I think … you asked me to your room,” I pause and lick my lips, “to ask me to have sex to shake off your pre-party jitters.”

“I … what? … I would … no … I …”

“Then show me this work-in-progress that just needed thirty minutes to complete.” I look at my watch. “We have plenty of time for you to finish it now.”

Catherine is blushing, pressing one hand to her collar bone.

“Are you … panting?” I ask.

“No, I am not panting! I’m thinking. I’m trying to remember where I put it.”

“Where you put this imaginary gift?”

“You make me crazy! It’s not imaginary. It’s right here.”

Catherine crosses the room to her desk and moves several pencil sketches from one pile to another. I can’t see what she’s picked up.

“You want me to finish this?” she asks, holding up a piece of sketch paper with the drawing facing away from me.

“I do.” I lean forward in my chair, elbows on my legs, chin on my clasped hands.

The corner of her mouth raises in a half-smile. “I bet you really don’t.”

My expression mirrors hers. “Oh, I bet I’m quite certain that I do.”

She becomes that commanding Catherine from the day of our original bet. Shoulders back, determined. “If I turn this sketch around, we’re committed to finishing it. This is a participatory project.”

“Just tell me what you need.” I’m practically begging. What I need is growing more obvious by the second.

“So, you’re taking the bet?” Her gaze flicks to my erection.

I nod.

“I need you to get naked and stand with your legs together and arms outstretched to make a straight line across your shoulders.”

She turns the page to face me. It looks like da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, but different.

“Is that … is that me?”

She nods and points to the crotch of the naked man in a circle. “Just need to complete one … small … feature.”

“You did not just say small.” Without hesitation, I pull my T-shirt over my head, kick off my Blundstone boots and drop trou.

She inhales hard and whispers, “Golden ratio.”

“Damn right, I’m a fucking golden ratio.”

I take the pose she’s asked for—as well as I can, given my “small feature” continues to prove itself anything but.

“Can you …?” Catherine points to my cock, then motions her hand downward a few times.