We’re both looking forward to the six month milestone when we can swap roles for at least half the meals and diaper changes. I’ve been testing recipes for purees and am appalled at what passes for acceptable baby food on some web sites.

I’m still making smoothies for Mags, though clams have been replaced by spirulina, frozen bananas, brewer’s yeast, coconut milk and a handful of secret ingredients and spices. I’ve been in touch with a local, commercial smoothie drink maker and am pretty close to signing a deal to do a special line for nursing mothers. It feels great to be exercising my culinary creative muscle and in many ways, I’m enjoying it more than the recipes I made for the restaurant.

But, what I enjoy the most is watching Mags’ eyes roll back in her head and her mouth drop open with that sexy moan when I hit the right notes on a new flavor combination. She is a most amazing muse.

“Did I hear a blender?” Mags asks, coming into the kitchen from the nursery.

“Do I hear silence?” I reply.

She waggles her eyebrows and waves her phone at me. “My schedule says it’s time for me to make love with my fiancé.”

My phone pings on the counter beside me. I lift it and see a notification that an event has just been added to my calendar.

Six months ago, if anyone had told me I’d think it was a turn-on to schedule sex, I’d have laughed in their face. But I’ve developed quite a taste for planning—and a deep love for the woman who thinks she can predict what life will toss in our path a day from now, let alone a year.

The one prediction we are both one hundred percent certain of? Whatever is on that path, we’ll be facing it together.

Thanks for reading Her Seasoned Delivery.

If you enjoyed Magdalena & Stirling’s story, I have a treat for you—a full-length novel about Mags’ boss, the formidable Will Power.

It’s calledThe Billionaire’s Shrubbery.The humor and chemistry between Will and his love interest, Virginia Beach, are being compared to rom-coms by authors like Christina Lauren, Helen Fielding and Sophie Kinsella.

Have a look! I know you’ll love it!


Her Best Bet

This stand-alone novella was originally published asThe Billionaire’s Brouhahain the fundraising collection,Resolve: A New Year’s Anthology for Choice,January 2023.

This rom-com features:

A later-in-life hero and heroine

A nest the size of a New York City apartment

Appearances from all the brothers in the “Power Couples” series



“For the tenth time, it’s a clitoris, not an obscenity. And,” I pause, making direct eye contact with each of the three men who’ve been charged with removing my public installation, “taking it down won’t make it go away. If you have wives or girlfriends, guess what? Understanding how this thing works is definitely in your best interest.” I stroke one of the bulbs of the ten-foot-tall sculpture.

The youngest guy, a man in his twenties, takes a step toward me. “Listen, lady—”

“I think she’s a guy,” the oldest city worker says out of the side of his mouth.

I see red. This wall of testosterone is coming down. I take two steps into their space, thrust my arm and finger toward them, not quite touching, but close.

“I am one hundred percent woman, with a beautiful clitoris, just like this one.”

At six-foot one, I am an Amazon and when I’m angry, have been known to make grown men whimper.I soften, “I’m sure you’ve all said, ‘Happy wife, happy life, right?’”

The older two crack smiles. The young one might be smart enough to know better.

“Have you ever heard of the other one? ‘If you can’t make her come, expect she’s gonna run.’”