I replay that one twice. I realize she knows people at the event and one of them must have called and told her what I said. For fuck's sake, so much for the confidentiality agreement we all made. I’m seeing red when I listen to her last message, which she left at 3:52 AM.

“Good news, Mr. Cox. Babies are on their way. You don’t need to take care of me anymore. Fly, be free.”

Fly, be free? Oh, I’m flying alright but not toward freedom.

Even though we’d never specifically talked about it, I assumed I’d be present at the birth, so I pull on my usual shorts and T-shirt and head to Women and Children’s Hospital, happy for the light, Sunday morning traffic.

As I run an orange light or three, I weigh the odds that the babies have already been born. It’s been less than four hours since her call, so I figure not likely unless she had to have a C-section. And since that was not part of Magdalena’s plan,my money is on a natural delivery and making it in time.

I follow signs to the maternity ward and find the nurse’s station.

“I’m looking for Magdalena Stephens,” I say to the young woman at the desk.

She smiles and looks at some paperwork.

“I’m sorry, sir. You’re not on the list.”

“An oversight?” I hedge.

The nurse laughs out loud. “Apparently you’ve never met Ms. Stephens.”

“I’m guessing you have.” I turn on my charm. “What does a guy have to do around here to see his woman in labor?”

She shakes her head but maintains her smile. “Name?”

I tell her.

“Have a seat. I’ll let you know.”

Several minutes later, Tonya appears. After a brief chat with the nurse, Mags’ Mom waves for me to follow her. I’m elated.

“She wants me there?”

“Well, she didn’t say to send you away. But she’s pretty doped up,” Tonya says. “The midwife figures she’s still got a couple more hours of labor.”

Mags looks like spaghetti that’s been run through a dishwasher.

“Hey,” I kiss her forehead. “What stage is this?”

“This is the ‘I will never let a penis anywhere near my body ever again stage’,” she groans. She doesn’t appear to be joking.

“What can I do?”

She stares at me, or through me. It’s hard to tell since her eyes are so glassy. “Stirling, you’re not supposed to be here.”

“Sure I am.”

“No, you have to go. You’re not dressed yet. You’re going to be late.”

“Magdalena,” I take her hand and kiss it. “I’m staying. I can go to the seminar anytime. Just not today. Today, I’m here for you.”

She shakes her hand free and turns to face Tonya. “Mom, make him leave.”

After several minutes of trying to reason with Magdalena, her midwife and a doctor are called to the room and I’m escorted out while Mags repeats over and over again, “Not your circus. Not your monkeys.”

