
Three days have passed since I told Magdalena I love her. I tried to say it again, but she pressed her finger to my lips to stop me.

Mags has convinced me to take advantage of the free ticket to Come Into Power, so I get dressed to leave on Friday morning with a long kiss and a promise that I’ll be home in time to make dinner.

“Home,” she repeats, eyebrows furrowed.

The look hits me in the gut like a severe case of salmonella.

I back-track. “Here, I mean. Your place.”

“My place.”

I follow her eyes as she looks around her bedroom. I’m conscious that she stops, stares a little longer anywhere something of mine is visible: my reading glasses on the bedside table, a pair of sweats folded on the chair by the window, my blood pressure cuff on the tallboy.

“You know what?” she says, turning her gaze to me, “You’re going to be exhausted tonight, this whole weekend. It’s not fair to make you come back and cook for me after a full day of deep diving into your goals.”

“How about I pick up takeout? Something from India Palace.” My stomach muscles contract even more.

“That’s okay. You’re going to want the space to process and plan next steps. Honestly, you’ll be wiped out.”

“But I’d like to share what I learn with you.”

“And I’d like to try my hand at making my own dinner tonight. I’ve been relying on you way too much.”

“I don’t mind. I really like being needed again.”

Magdalena closes the space between us and wraps her arms around my back. I pull her against my chest and squeeze.

“Too hard,” she gasps.

I’ve known this woman all of six weeks, but I don’t want to let go. I have a terrible feeling that if I leave for the weekend, I’ll never spend another night in this room, in her company as she falls asleep with me reading out loud to her. I pull her closer.

“Stirling,” she squeaks.

When I release Mags from my hug, I feel the world slip away.

“Dinner on Monday?” she asks. “My treat. Who knows, it may be our last quiet conversation.”

I force a smile. “Monday it is, then.” I lean down and kiss her. Her lips melt into mine like warm chocolate on a strawberry. Our tongues touch. She pulls my lower lip between her teeth and bites ever-so-gently.

I take her face between my palms and tilt her head up, pushing deeper into the kiss, not letting her pull away, breathing her in as she exhales a moan into my mouth.

It’s the same kiss that minutes ago had left me believing I’d never taste another woman’s mouth, but now gives me the distinct feeling that this is our last kiss. As in so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye.

Mags flinches and drops her hands from my shoulders.

I release her from my hold. “Okay?”

“Just a kick to my lungs. I am so ready to get my body back,” she pants.

“Should I stay? You going to be—”

“Go. I’m fine. Get!” She gives me a back-handed double tap on my chest. “This weekend has the power to Change. Your. Life. Don’t even think about me.”

Not bloody going to happen. I take her hands in mine and hold them against my body. “Call me if anything changes with … well, with anything.”

“Nothing is changing. Other than you, once you’ve spent two days with Will Power!”