“Oh, my God.” I clap my hand over my mouth in shock. “What is this?”
“Lexi, you know what this is,” Frederico teases. “It’s my declaration of love. My hope is that you will make me the happiest man in the world by agreeing to make this official.”
Official?Oh my God, I know what this means, but it has my head spinning. It seems like he’s about to propose. We really are about to get married! This truly is a dream come true. My heart pounds like crazy, and I feel breathless and excited.
“I wish I’d known way back when I first laid eyes on you at the wedding that you were going to become so important to me.” A smile spreads across his face, making me beam from ear to ear. “I was drawn to you, obviously, but I didn’t know immediately that I was going to want to spend the rest of my life with you. But now, I do. I know it with every fiber of my being. You are the one for me.”
“Oh my.”There’s so much I want to say, but I’m way too emotional to get the words out. This is the most wonderful surprise I could have hoped for. “Wow, Frederico…”
“I want nothing more than to have you by my side forever, as a team.”
I’m not the only one getting all chocked up here. I think everyone might be crying with happiness for us by now. Most of all my mother, who wants us to make this official more than anyone. I know she wouldn’t like just anyone for James and me. She’s so protective because she has always been there for us. But Frederico and Mom love one another so much that it’s adorable.
“Lexi, so here we are…me on one knee in front of you, asking you the most important question I will likely ever get to ask… will you be my wife?”
“Yes,” I gasp before my throat closes up completely, and I can’t talk at all. “I would love to be your wife.”
A cheer explodes in the bar, and everyone celebrates with us. My new fiancé slides a gorgeous ring on my finger, making me officially his. It feels incredible to know that we’re forever. Me and him. It’s perfect. Frederico stands and envelops me in a hug, pressing his lips to mine. This kiss is explosive. It’s the best kiss I have ever had in my whole life because it’s the start of the rest of our lives. He rests his forehead against mine and stares into my eyes, showing me all the love in the world. I’m an engaged woman. Who would have thought… I’m going to marry the best man in the whole world. Finally, after everything I have been through, thatwehave been through, it feels absolutely perfect to be here in this moment, knowing the rest of my life is going to be amazing…
“What do you think?” I ask my brothers as I turn to show them my sleek charcoal suit. “Do you think this looks good for the day?”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Elio teases, acting like he’s really thinking about his answer. “I’m not sure you’re slick enough to marry such a beauty.”
I give him a light, playful punch on the arm. “I know Lexi is way too good for me. You don’t need to remind me all the time. But seriously, do I look okay?”
Vicenzo jumps, “Yeah, you look great, Frederico. Ignore this idiot.”
We all laugh, but I can’t disguise the nerves coming through my chuckle. I might have been looking forward to this day ever since I proposed to Lexi, but now that the time is here, I can’t turn off the intense edginess that’s threatening to overcome me. I just want this day to be perfect for Lexi. That woman absolutely deserves the world, and I would love nothing more than to give it to her. So I went a little over the top with the décor in this beautiful old Italian castle. I’ve tried to make it the wedding of the century, and I can already see that it’s looking great.
It’s funny now… thinking that Lexi and I met at a wedding – that of Adam and Allegra - and now we’re here having our own ceremony. When I first laid my eyes on her, standing behind her best friend as her maid of honor, did I know? Looking back in hindsight, it seems completely obvious. It was love at first sight. Lexi really did sweep me off my feet. Funny, since I definitely wasn’t in the right frame of mind, but it happened anyway. I couldn’t help it.
“Do you think Lexi is still alright?” I ask my brothers, hoping they don’t joke about her getting cold feet because I don’t know if I could handle it. “I hope she is…”
“Yeah., she’s good.” I didn’t even know that Adam was coming into the room until he speaks. “Allegra is helping her get dressed right now, and she’s doing really well. She looks awesome. You’re going to be a very happy man.”
A beautiful warmth spreads through my body. Of course, she looks amazing. She would look stunning in a trash bag. I can’t wait to catch a glimpse of her in her wedding dress and to finally say the words aloud that allow us to claim each other forever. I am so thrilled that by the end of the day, she will be my wife - the love of my life forever. It’s so amazing. I really do feel like the luckiest man alive. I’m getting a second chance at love and life. Not many people get that. I’m not going to take any of this for granted - ever.
“Do you think we should go inside now?” I ask. “At the altar…?”
The last thing I want to do is be late. With everything else so perfect, I’m sure as hell not going to be the person to ruin it. Adam and my brothers all seem keen to get out there as well, so off we go. Out into the fairytale romance setting, which I hope will sweep my precious bride off her feet, just like she has done for me.
Flowers look like they’re floating above our heads in Lexi’s favorite colors, but my favorite part is the arch of flowers under which we will say those special vows, binding us together forever. I feel like I’m walking on cloud nine as I go.
“Daddy!” yells the only voice that could stop me in my tracks as I make it to my designated spot. James is crying out to me, his arms stretched wide, needing me to hug him.
I can’t resist. I’m supposed to leave my son with my mother in law, but if he’s reaching out, I want to hold him. I’ve missed so much time with him that I can’t turn my back on any show of affection. It really feels like we have the best father-son bond ever, despite all the time we lost. Thankfully that hasn’t ruined anything.
“Come on, James.” I hold him close, beaming. “You can come with me. stand with my best men, and make sure they are behaving. You know what your uncles are like, right? I’m going to put you in charge, little man.”
Vincenzo always acts like he’s a hard ass, but he’s a puddle around James. It’s funny to see him melting in his presence. Elio adores him too and tries to spend as much time with him as he can. It’s absolutely adorable. I’m so grateful to have them around for my son, and James does too. He lights up around his uncles, just as much as he does me.
By the time we’re at the end of the aisle, James is stretching out to embrace his uncles, wanting to play with them. I let him go while I wait for Lexi to join me. I can hardly stand still. I need her here to enjoy this celebration as a couple. This is going to be the best day of our lives, and I’m eager for it to get started. I’m sure Lexi will be fashionably late, even if she knows that will send me spiraling.
It'll be worth it, I think and do my best to calm myself down.It will, when I see her…Eventually, my impatience subsides as I hear the music playing. Lexi is on her way to meet me - at the wedding we’ve long been waiting for. I finally see her in her beautiful wedding gown.