Mom and James came with me, and we moved into a rental near Allegra’s home…for a little while, anyway. But the better things got with Frederico, the more we wanted to move in together so we could take our relationship to the next level. Now, we all live in Frederico’s mansion. Mom has her own wing so she can continue to spend more time with James. It’s actually turned out to be the most incredible decision I’ve ever made in my whole life.

“Don’t you just love the Italian beaches?” Allegra asks with a giggle as she kicks her legs in the white sand. “I could live on the sand.”

“It is like paradise,” I admit. “I know what you mean. I could live here too…just sunbathing on the beach all day long. You know, if I didn’t have to work…”

Not that I mind my job. I love my career, even more here in Italy. I’m really stepping into the person I have always wanted to be. I’m finally blooming into the full flower of my life, letting my full potential invade the world.

Allegra rolls onto her front and smiles at me. “You know, I really love having you here. I missed you while you were gone. Don’t ever do that to me again…”

I toss my head back and laugh. “That was forever ago now. I don’t know why you’re still worried about me going. I’m not going now. This is where I belong.”

Allegra nods in agreement. “Yeah, I can see that. Your whole family belongs here. You all look so much better under the glorious sun. James especially. He loves it here, doesn’t he? And he loves being around his father. I relish seeing that.”

I sigh with happiness, knowing exactly what Allegra means. The bond between Frederico and James is absolutely wonderful. Seeing them adore one another and bond so well is incredible. Better than I ever could have expected. I truly don’t know why I held back from telling the truth for so long. It seems silly now that I was so nervous at the time. I don’t know what I was so afraid of. Frederico has taken to fatherhood so bloody well.

“I know. I’m so glad everyone got to learn the truth in the end. It worked out so well.”

I watch Allegra check her watch, something she’s been doing a lot for the last hour or so. This isn’t like my best friend; when she’s relaxing, she’s fully relaxing. She isn’t the sort of person to clock watch. It leads me to assume that something is going on…

“Are you okay?” I ask. If she needs to be somewhere, then I don’t want to hold her up, even if I’m thoroughly enjoying the sunshine. “You seem tense.”

“I might be a little sunburned.” Weird…Allegra is a sunscreen junkie. Again, something about this statement doesn’t feel quite right. “I think it might be time to go inside, don’t you? Maybe that bar up there on the hill. It looks cute.”

“Um… sure.” I furrow my brows in confusion. “There is something a little closer, though. If you want to get out of the sun, why don’t we go there?”

Allegra shakes her head. “No, I get a good feeling about that bar.”

She’s definitely acting strange, but I don’t want to question her if she doesn’t want to give me anything. I’m sure I’ll find out more once we get there. Maybe over a nice cool drink she will tell me whatever has her tied up in knots.

“Okay sure.” I shrug. “Whatever you want.”

Allegra immediately gathers up her things, and I do the same. I notice that she’s checking her phone a lot as well. It’s almost laughable. If she thinks that she’s being discreet, then she’s wrong. Once all of this is over, we’ll have a great laugh.

“Are you ready to go?” she asks as she tosses her hair over her shoulders.

“Yeah, come on. I’m actually a little hot myself now.” I fan my face. “I’m looking forward to a drink. Maybe we should get lunch while we’re there.”

“Hmm, maybe,” she replies evasively. “Let’s see.”

Allegra doesn’t say much as we head up the hill, but a weird tension is rolling off her in waves. I want to probe her on it, but since she doesn’t want to talk until we’re inside, I don’t push. I figure it’s best to leave her until she’s ready. I keep my head down as Allegra pushes the door open. I’m too busy working out what could possibly explain her strange behavior. My name is called before I realize that Allegra and I are no longer alone…

In fact, I think everyone I know and care about is here. Is this why Allegra was acting so weird? What the hell is going on? I stare at Allegra, who just starts laughing.

“Come on, this is your surprise.” She takes my arm and pulls me further in.

In the middle of the crowd, I see Federico with James in his arms, a sight that will always make my heart swell. I know it’s been a while now, and I should be used to this, but I don’t know if I ever will be. Too much time passed, so I don’t take it for granted. Especially when they look so freakin’ good together. I can’t stop smiling at the pair.

“What is all of this?” I ask Frederico. I’m still very confused. Even more so now that Allegra has made it clear that this ismysurprise. “I don’t understand.”

“I think it’s time to celebrate. You and me. The fact that we’re here.”

Aw, how sweet. Is this really just a little party for me and Frederico? I love it. It’s surprising, but I love it nonetheless. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the romantic gestures that seem to come from nowhere. But that’s just Frederico.

Allegra takes James from Frederico’s arms and coos at him sweetly. But I can’t take my eyes off of my man. Goddamn it, he’s handsome, isn’t he? The best looking man I have ever seen. At moments like this, it strikes me how I am the luckiest woman alive.

But then Frederico shakes me from my thoughts by dropping down on the floor in front of me. I immediately begin to panic, thinking he might be sick or something. Passing out in the middle of our party would be gutting…

The panic subsides when I realize that he isn’t sick. He hasn’t even fallen. He’s on one knee and pulling out a small little box. the box has the most stunning diamond ring I have ever seen: princess cut and glimmering under the lights.