Once she leaves the room, I lean back and examine Lexi and James carefully, really seeing my future in their eyes. I don’t know how it will look, or where we will be, but there’s one thing I’m utterly certain of. I will do whatever it takes to make this work. I will come here, or I will open up my life to them in Italy if that’s what they want… or maybe we will have a life elsewhere. I don’t know, but I’m sure it’ll be amazing.

Lexi catches my eye, and we share a loving stare. Her gaze locks onto mine, and for a moment, the rest of the world simply melts away into nothingness. It’s just me and her in our own little bubble… our own little world I’m hoping we will end up living in soon enough.

“I love you,” Lexi whispers words I will never tire of hearing. “I really do.”

“I love you too.” Oh God, I love saying those words as well. “Both of you.”


The afternoon passes far too quickly. Who knew that being with a child could make the minutes just fly by? But it really is the best time of my life. Every moment with Lexi feels that way, which is clear proof that being with my family will make every single day better than the last. If today is anything to go by, I’m the luckiest man alive.

By the time we return to Lexi’s mother’s home, just in time to get James to bed, I can see tears forming in Lexi’s eyes.

“Are you okay?” I reach out and put an arm around her to hold her close. I hope I haven’t upset her. “Did today go how you wanted it to?”

“It was a million times better than I ever hoped it could be. This has been so amazing.” A couple of tears splashed on to my shirt. I knew that this was important to her, just as it is to me, but this outpouring of emotion is unexpected. “I’m so happy that you both get on so well, and you’re happy around one another. I think the bond is already forming, don’t you? It won’t be long before James can’t remember a time without you here.”

That makes me feel like a million dollars. My heart wants to explode with love. “I hope so. I already feel close to James. You have really done a wonderful job with that boy. He’s incredible. A real testament to how much of a good mother you are.”

Lexi glanced my way, soaking the compliment in. “You have no idea how much that means to me. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s been so rewarding too.”

I feel myself welling up with emotion, allowing it to get to me. I wish that my brothers could be here to see how awesome this is. Vincenzo would have to let down his hard outer shell a little, and obviously Elio would be over the moon that his romanticized version has happened in reality.

But the time will come. Now that James and I know one another, and we’re on our way to building a family, they’re definitely going to see my new family unit. Whether here in England, or in Italy. None of that matters as long as I have my family by my side.

Lexi and I fell into a sudden silence for a few moments. I wonder if she’s as lost in images of the future as well…imagining what it’ll be like when we’re all living in our home, with a big yard and kids playing at our feet. Yes, children. I don’t think this is the end of our family. One day soon we will have more children from this amazing love.

By the time Lexi’s mother returns, it looks like she has a bee in her bonnet. I sit up a little straighter, expecting to get yelled at. I don’t know why, but it seems like she doesn’t have the same opinion as me and Lexi. I don’t know what has upset her, but Lexi immediately straightens up as well.

“Are you okay, Mom? Is James okay?” she asks, clearly very worried.

Her mother nods but doesn’t say anything until she sits down. I watch in fear as she clasps her hands together, thoughtfully. Oh God, what’s going on now?

“I think we all need to talk, don’t you?” Lexi and I exchange a nervous look, but neither of us quite knows what to say. “Because today went really well…”

Oh!That makes a lot of sense. Thankfully, she has seen what has happened today in a positive manner just like the rest of us. I feel a little better. I was so worried that I had managed to upset James without even realizing it. Just because I thought it had gone well doesn’t mean everyone else was in agreement. If James was upset for some reason, I’m sure he would have talked to his lovely grandmother about it, but that doesn’t seem to have happened…

“What do you mean, Mom?” Lexi says curiously. “What do we need to talk about?”

“Well, Frederico… you live in Italy, don’t you? And we’re here…”

“Oh, Mom, I don’t think that’s something we need to talk about right now,” Lexi laughs nervously. “We’re taking things slowly, trying to work out how things will go. I don’t want to make any life-changing decisions right away.”

Her mom cocks her head to say, “But this affects me as well, doesn’t it? I’ve been looking after James ever since he was born, and I don’t want to lose him now. Nor you, Lexi.”

Oh God, she’s starting to become overwhelmed with emotion. I can almost see the pain like darts ricocheting across her face. I never wanted my presence to become an issue. I didn’t want to tear anyone apart. I know I hadn’t been in James’s life in the beginning, so I don’t get to ruin anything for anyone now. I wouldn’t ever want that.

“Oh, Mom, that will never happen.” Lexi immediately jumps to her feet and races to her mother’s side. “No matter what happens, you’ll be there with us. I wouldn’t want to live my life without you every day, and I know James wouldn’t either. Please don’t worry. We’re going to be a family. All of us.”

The stress rolls off her shoulders in waves as she realized that Lexi will never leave her behind. Even if we end up in Italy, she will be there, of course. However, our future may look, all of us will be in it.

Chapter 29



God, I love being back here. Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking, leaving Italy behind. I had such a good time… well, before all the scary drama happened with Frederico. It’s like this place is in my blood and it's where I want to be forever. I didn’t hesitate to move back as soon as the opportunity arose. Not just because of work, of course, but because it’s where Federico is.