Hearing her repeat what I’m saying makes my heart swell with pride. Thank goodness. I know Allegra suggested that my feelings haven’t always been one-sided, and I’ve seen adoration in Lexi’s eyes when she stares at me, but it still feels incredible to hear those words come from her. Thank goodness she feels the same way too.
“I don’t know how to be a father; that isn’t something I have ever had experience with before,” I continue. “But I want to be a father to James. If you will allow me, I want to be in his life as much as yours. This isn’t just a relationship I want, I want us to be a family as well. I want us to have the happily ever after.”
There is something I need to make clear. I’m not expecting Lexi and James to uproot their lives for me… not if that isn’t what she wants to do. “Whatever you want our lives to look like, I’m happy with that. I just want to be with you, Lexi, no matter what.”
Unexpectedly, she falls into my arms and embraces me tightly. I thought she might be too confused to give me an answer here and now, but Lexi is open hearted and happy.
“I want a life with you too, Frederico,” she mumbles into my chest. “I didn’t know it was possible for us to have it all. But if you’re willing, then I am too. I can’t imagine anything better. Just like you, I don’t know how it’ll look, but I think we should try.”
Thank goodness I came here. I can’t even begin to imagine what my life would have looked like if I hadn’t taken this risk… but now I might be on the verge of the happily ever after at long last…
Chapter 27
Ikeepdartingmyeyes to Frederico; I can’t really believe that he’s here. I’ve been dreaming about him so much since I got home to England that I can’t quite tell if this is real or only in my imagination again. But he is real. I canactuallyreach out and touch him, which is way more intense than just dreaming. I can run my hand down his arm and feel the warmth of his skin. I have truly missed the sensation of him beside me. I have missed this man more than I even thought. My feelings are more powerful than ever. I’m addicted to these sensations.
“I can’t stop looking at you,” Frederico chuckles, showing that he feels the same way. “You really are beautiful, Lexi. I need you to know how much I love you.”
I’ve dreamt about him saying this, but I never imagined how good it would feel to have those words in my ears. To know that he really feels them and can’t wait for me to know how much he adores me.
“I love you too,” I murmur back, stroking my fingers lightly down his cheek. “I think it might have been love at first sight, you know. I just didn’t realize it at the time.”
A smile lights up his face. “You know what… I feel the same way.” A ball of emotion is lodged in my throat. It’s a truly beautiful moment, but there’s more we need to discuss. We can’t just focus on me and him, not when our little family is much bigger.
“But James…” I begin, nerves jangling in my stomach. “We need to talk about him… what we’re going to do from here on out…”
He nods, thoughtfully. “Obviously this isn’t something we’re going to want to rush into, I understand that. You’ve been doing an incredible job of raising James all by yourself, and I don’t think I should just run headfirst into it, like a bull in a china shop.”
I let out a laugh. “Well, thank you for being so understanding. I appreciate that. I only want to do what’s right by James, you know? I need to make sure things are good for him.”
The way that Frederico nods understandingly makes me wonder why I’ve kept this from him for such a long time. I should have just told him instantly. Maybe from the very first time I saw those blue lines on the pregnancy test.
“I don’t want to do anything to disrupt him, either. Or your routine. I know it’s a lot to ask…”
I eye him curiously. “You’re a much better man than anyone gives you credit for, Frederico. Why are you misjudged?”
He doesn’t say anything for a beat too long, putting me on edge. Have I upset him? That isn’t something I wanted to do. I meant it as a compliment.
“Because of my history.” Oh, there it is. I remain silent as he moves his gaze away from me. “Because once upon a time, I was going to marry a woman named Marianne.” Shit, this isn’t a story I’ve heard from anyone. Not even Allegra, which might mean she doesn’t know. This isn’t a story he shares. “I thought my future was set. Especially because she was pregnant with my child…”Holy fuck, there is so much more going on here, isn’t there? I don’t know how to handle it.“But they died in a horrible car crash, which ruined me for a long time… I’ve been closed off ever since. More than I realized.”
Immediately everything starts to make a sense…why he had earned a reputation as a playboy. I’m sure anyone in such pain would keep others at a distance after going through something like that. It only makes me feel even worse about keeping James from him. If only I’d known, I wouldn’t have acted the way I did…but who knew?
“Anyway, I didn’t think I would be able to move on, ever…” Frederico finally continues, managing a small smile. “Until you came into my life. I haven’t been able to shake you, Lexi. Ever since the wedding, you have been on my mind…under my skin.”
Wow. Now that’s heavy, isn’t it? But in a good way. Frederico is willing to open his heart to me, even though he thought it would be closed forever. That makes me feelreallygood. I edge even closer to him.
“I want to be with you, Lexi,” he confirms. “I want us to be a family. I feel like you belong with me, and I’m hoping you feel the same way too. I know this might make you wonder if I’m ready to move on with you, but I assure you that I am. I lost Marianne years ago. I am finally recovered now. I canfeelit. Can you?”
I let out a little chuckle. “Hey, I just told you that I love you, didn’t I? I don’t take these words lightly. I want that as well… I want all of that.”
I take his face in my hands and stare lovingly into his eyes, feeling the heat of emotion getting the better of me. We’re actually in love, wow, admittingly so, and it feels great. Really great. I can’t resist any longer. I lean in and press my lips to his. I need to kiss the man I never thought I would get to see again.
The next moment, while we’re kissing, he leads me to the bed, which I’ve been trying my hardest not to look at, but now can’t wait to fall into. Walking into this meeting, none of this is what I expected, but this is so much better than a new project. This is potentially a link to the rest of my life. Frederico hasn’t rejected me or James. He wants us!
“I love you,” Frederico murmurs again while he grazes his lips over my now naked shoulders. “You really are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”
I lean back on the sheets and smile lovingly, feeling happy tears filling my eyes. If only I had known that this was where we would find ourselves, I definitely would have been honest with him. I was afraid, maybe things happened the way they were supposed to. In the heat of this moment, it certainly feels like everything is exactly right.