“No, that’s fine. I’m sure you have been busy. But if you get a chance, can you come in to the office today? There are some things I would like to talk to you about.”

My heart leaps into my throat. There’s no way this can be good. What could Evan want to talk to me about? Ithas to be because I’m home early, right? Maybe even because of how distracted I was in Italy. Oh God, what if my work wasn’t up to par, and now I’m going to get fired? That would just be the cherry on top of the shit show cake of my life.

“Today?” I just about manage to get the words out. “You need me in right away?”

“Yeah, if that’s possible? I would like to talk face to face. It’s better that way.”

Fuck. “Okay, yeah sure. I will be there. Just give me an hour to get ready.”

“Great, see you soon. Looking forward to it, Lexi.”

Evan hangs up the phone leaving me stewing in wonderment. I really could lose everything here; in fact, I might be fired today. I don’t want to lose my job; I love working as an architect especially with Evan’s company. It’s the only place that gave me a chance when no one else would. I was a young and pregnant, I probably didn’t look like a great prospect at the time.

But then I did go on to become a good prospect so that’s something, right? Fuck, I don’t know…I haven’t got a clue. I’m so confused about everything. I don’t want to have to start again; that would really crush me. Somehow, I’m going to have to find a way to make myself irreplaceable. I don’t have the strength to fight for my livelihood, but I’m going to find it deep within me. I have to find the words and power.

“Okay, come on,” I whisper to myself. “Let’s get dressed. Get your best outfit on and work this out. You have managed to persuade Evan to do crazy things before, such as the Italy trip, and you can do it again. You will keep your job…just fight this to the bitter end.”

I don’t know if I canreallydo this, but I’m going to try. For James. Again, I keep my son at the fore front of my mind. Now that I’ve walked away from Italy, and Frederico, there’s no hope - only me to care for him, and I need to do my best. Without a job, I’m not going to be able to financially support him. I can’t have that. My mom already does so much for me, and I don’t want to put another burden on her shoulders.

No, this is my fight alone, and something I am going to win. I have to. I let determination surge through my veins because I need that feeling to get me going. I need that strength. I rise to my feet and search my wardrobe for the smartest outfit. I don’t usually need to make such an effort when I go to the office. I’m known for my work - what I can do for the company - and not what I look like. But this isn’t a normal day, and I have to present myself in the best light. I have to make Evan remember just what I’m worth.


My heart pounds like crazy as I step into the office, wondering what the hell this meeting is about. This is way more terrifying than I thought, to be honest. It doesn’t matter how nicely I’ve dressed or how smart I feel…

“Evan.” I try my hardest to smile, but I don’t know if the look reaches fruition.

“Ah, Lexi, you’re here. Come into my office.”

He looks happy, which should relax me somewhat, but it doesn’t. I’m practically shaking all over as I take the same seat I’ve sat in a million times before. But never quite like this…

“Lexi, I’m glad you managed to get here. It’s great to see you after your stint in Italy.” He’s still beaming from ear to ear. “I’ve been speaking to your boss in Italy, and he’s very pleased with the work you’ve done. I don’t know if you picked up on this, but he was really hoping you would stick around and work with him indefinitely…be there for the whole project and also work on future things.”

Guilt swishes through me; that’s what I wanted too. If it weren’t for my messy personal life, I’m sure that is what I would have done.

“Basically, what I’m trying to say is that you were right.” Evan clasps his hands together, barely able to contain his excitement. “We really should be expanding into Europe. We shouldn’t limit ourselves anymore now that we’ve proven that our talented staff who can do whatever it takes.” He really is shining with happiness, not what I was expecting at all, I don’t know how to take it. “Which is something I have to thank you for,” he continues. “You have really opened us up to more opportunities.”

He's looking at me, expecting me to say something, but I can’t form words. Instead, I just nod.

“What I’m trying to ask, Lexi, is if you want to be the first person on board for a new opportunity. I know you have a family and commitments, so it might not be the easiest thing to do, but I would like to have you at the top of my list, always.”

I’mspeechless. I don’t know what to say to this. It soundsveryexciting because I do love professional growth. I don’t trust myself not to say something crazy. I’ve come in here thinking I’m probably going to lose my job, so this is truly wonderful.

“Thank you, Evan,” I manage to whisper, through all the emotion coursing through my veins. “That sounds amazing. I would love to be considered. Any opportunity, thank you.”

I have no idea wherethis will take me, but I cannot wait to find out.

Chapter 26


I can’t imagine Lexi here. England doesn’t seem to suit her. As I walk through the streets of London, under the deep gray skies, I imagine Lexi doing the same thing. But I just can’t. London doesn’t suit her, not like Italy. I wonder if Lexi knows that and feels happier in Italy. She has to, right? I just can’t imagine her loving it here.

Unfortunately, I don’t know where she lives. I didn’t get that information from Allegra and Adam and for a good reason. I don’t want to creep her out by turning up if she doesn’t want me in her home. What if she thinks she’s escaped and never wants to see my face again. I didn’t come here expecting Lexi to fall at my feet. I know she might turn me away. I’ve decided, however, that this is a risk I’m willing to take.

Idoknow the firm that Lexi works for, and that’s how I’m going to reach out to her. I’m going to give her the chance to make a choice whether or not she wants to see me. That’s the best way for us to move forward. I hope so, anyway. My nerves get the better of me as I make my way to her office building and stand outside. I start to get a little anxious, like hundreds of electrical pulses are racing back and forth. But I don’t have time to get over that feeling. Allegra knows when Lexi heads out for lunch, and I want to speak to her boss without her there.

I try to be inconspicuous as I head inside, feeling breathless. But I push it to one side. I’ve come too far to lose my confidence, so I need to carry on.