
Lexi appears in the hotel lobby fashionably late looking like an absolute goddess. She has on a little black dress that clings to her curves perfectly. I was so entranced with her before, no wonder I couldn’t get her out of my mind. She’s gorgeous. Sure, I’ve dated lots of beautiful women in my time, but this is the only one who has made me feel this intense, in a special way. I enjoyed talking to her as much as looking at her. I loved the way we connected and shared our powerful chemistry.

“Hey there,” I breathe out once she’s in earshot. “Did you have a good day?”

“Oh yeah, Allegra and I had a great time,” she gushes. “It’s been way too long since we actually got to hang out in person, so it was awesome. We had a spa day in a natural hot spring, so obviously I’m very relaxed and rejuvenated now.”

“Sounds great. I hope you’re going to enjoy tonight just as much.”

My car is waiting outside for us, as I open the door, I’m immediately transported back in time to the night of the wedding. She was in that light purple bridesmaid dress, which I couldn’t wait to get off of her. I couldn’t wait to see her luscious naked body…

A part of me wants to give up the dinner plans and just take her home already. I’m impatient and needy for her body. But the desire to have a nice night out and actually chat with her again and catch up wins out. So, I climb into the car.

“Where are we going?” Lexi asks as we drive. “Am I dressed right?”

“Oh yeah, you look great,” I reassured her with a smile. “Perfect for dinner. I think you’re going to love this place. I hope you will, anyway.”

It doesn’t take us long to pull up to the vineyard, where dinner is waiting for us. Lexi lets out an audible gasp as she gets a great view of the grapevine orchard stretched out in front of her.

“Oh my goodness, is this where we’re having dinner? It’s beautiful.”

Her eyes widen with shock as she turns to look at me. I knew that Lexi would love this because it definitely isn’t something typical, but seeing her reaction almost allows me to see this through her eyes as well. I’m impressed by the vineyard too.

“Well, I heard they have the best wine in all of Italy here so I thought we better come.”

“Sounds good to me,” she replies with a sparkle in her eyes. “It’s amazing. I love it.”

I offer Lexi my hand as we step out of the car and lead her to a table that has been set up just for us. A bottle of wine already sits in the middle with cheese and olives surrounding it. I don’t know how much Lexi got of the authentic Italian experience when she was here for the wedding so I want to give her that.

We need to have another memorable time so we both part with amazing memories.

“Did I tell you about my perfect date at the wedding?” she asks with a light chuckle. “Because this isit. It might be even more perfect. Food, wine, a great view, awesome company…” She blushes again as she says this. “What could be better?”

We clink our glasses together and take a sip. It’s gorgeous, just what I wanted.

“So, I know you’ve probably spent a lot of the day catching up with Allegra, so you might be sick of talking about yourself, but I want you to tell me everything too.”

I rest my head on my hands, eager to listen and take in every single detail. I know, I know… I have been an asshole with other women I’ve dated in the past, but I can’t help how different it is with Lexi. It’s always been that way.

“Oh, I don’t know if I have done anythingthatinteresting…”

“You’re an architect,” I remind her. “That’s absolutely fascinating. Not many people are talented enough to do that. I want to hear all about it.”

“You do?” she asks me doubtfully. “Are you sure?”

“Oh yeah. Tell me absolutely everything, I want to know it all…”


The more we drink, the looser our lips become. I thought I got to know a lot about Lexi the last time we were together at the wedding because we shared a lot, but tonight has been totally different. Talking alone in the quiet vineyard without the craziness of a wedding surrounding us has been a brand new experience for sure.

I feel like I’ve been given the opportunity to see much more of Lexi; and the more I learn about her, the more I like. She is really a fascinating person. Everything she tells me is intriguing and makes me chuckle. Lexi has had a very interesting life; at least, that’s how it seems to me. I could listen to her talk all night long.

“So, endlessly watching Italian dramas hasn’t helped you to learn the language,” I laugh. “You know, you always have a tour guide in me. I can always translate for you.”

“I know, Allegra has said the same, but I want to learn it myself. Especially if I’m going to be working here. It feels lazy that I only know English and a little French. Learning languages wasn’t exactly a top priority at my high school, which is a shame because it would have been much more useful than some of the stuff I learned.”

I lean in a little closer, inhaling her delicious, fruity scent. “I bet you didn’t learn much at school because you were a rebel. Am I right? Skipping classes, smoking behind the bike sheds, spending your days in the arcade instead of class…”