“So, you want to go to Italy to work on a project there?” I nod at Evan. “Because your best friend has gotten youin with a big client. One that could lead to long term work?”
“Right.” Oh God, this is more unnerving than I thought it would be. “I know we don’t do a lot of overseas work at the moment but it could be good to expand, right?”
Evan taps his pen against the desk, thoughtfully. I can almost see the cogs turning in the wheel of his brain as he weighs the pros and cons of the opportunity. I’ve presented it well, I think. I’ve let him know just how much positive this could be for the company. Now I need to see if this is something Evan wants to do. I have road crossed. I just know that this would be an amazing chance for me to spread my wings. Mom has already agreed to have James for a few days while I go to Italy and I crave the change of scenery. I want to be closer to my best friend and in the gorgeous sunshine for a while.
I’m a little burned out, I need to get my spark back any way I can.Come on,I beg silently, trying to affect his decision making.Please. I just want him to give me a chance to prove myself in a new way, let me explore this option and see if I can really do something amazing. I have good connections in Italy: I have friends and I love it so much. Ireallywant this - more than I’m letting on. I’ve been wanting it more and more ever since I started putting the presentation together but now all that, is bubbling over. I don’t know how I’m containing myself to be honest.
“Okay,” he finally agrees. “Once I’ve had a look through the contract and the work, I will consider it. It might be a good idea for us to spread further. I don’t know yet but I’m going to really think about it, okay? Give me a little time to go over it in my head.”
“Of course, I understand. I appreciate you even thinking about this, Evan.”
It takes everything I have not to celebrate out loud. I know he hasn’t fully agreed yet, but it’s better than nothing. It means Evan is thinking about it, which is a plus. I just about hold myself together, refusing to let my excitement get the better of me as I rise up from my seat.
“Thank you, Evan, I really appreciate you considering this. It means a lot.”
He gives me one sharp nod. “Fine, I will let you know once I’ve decided.”
“Thank you, again. And if there is anything else you need to know…”
My words trail off as he dismisses me. If I say much more, I might talk myself out of this so I clamp my lips tight and prevent myself from saying another word. I don’t make eye contact with anyone as I head back to my desk. I’m really struggling to contain myself now. This ismyplan and something I want to do. Until it’s all in place, I don’t want anyone else finding out about it. They might try the same thing. I wouldn’t trust some of the guys not to steal my job from under my nose.
I grab my phone and fire off a text to Allegra, letting her know that everything is in progress. She’s going to be over the moon. Life has kept us both very busy over the last year or so, and we haven’t had a chance to see each other nearly as much as we’d like. I can’t wait to get back to Italy,ifEvan agrees, and spend some time with my friend.
Allegra responds with just as much excitement as I’m feeling. It’s damn near impossible to keep the smile off my face. Someone is going to catch on to my mood soon, but I’m still not going to tell them anything. Not until I have that confirmation I so desperately need.
I text Mom as well, just because she needs to know what my plans are. I know she’ll happily look after James for the first weekend while I go but I want to keep her in the loop, regardless. She’s happy for me as well, just as I knew she would. It really feels like everything is coming together and I can’t wait. As soon as I get the “yes” from Evan, I’m mentally already on that plane, ready to expand myself.
I blow out a breath of air as I set foot on Italian soil, allowing the glorious sunshine to beam down on my shoulders. It took me a while to get here. I was worried Evan wouldn’t agree to the trip in the end, but thank goodness he did. I’m even more grateful now that I’m here.
Allegra offered to pick me up at the airport but I know she’s busy. Plus, I have a meeting with her contact soon and want to focus on that first and foremost. We’ve agreed to meet up in the afternoon instead when I will hopefully have more information. I want to have the job so my best friend and I can celebrate the great news.
I feel good as I call a cab; I’m driven to the business address. There really is something to say for the lovely Italian sunshine. I’ve always thought that. It’s powerful enough to be a mood boost no matter what is going on in my life. The view out the car window is glorious as well, giving me a much needed burst of positivity.
I’m going todothis. I’m going to make sure these people want to work with me because I really want to make this happen. I want to spend more time in Italy. I need this. Determination surges through my veins as I near the building and my potential future.
I have my portfolio with me. It is impressive considering I’ve only been working for two years. Plus, I have all the right information from Allegra to support me. I’ve been preparing for this meeting for ages now, so I’m sure I’m ready… but can’t be certain. I won’t be able to get a feel for these people until I meet them.
The cab eventually pulls to a stop in front of a very impressive building, which immediately excites me because I can see Italian history within the walls. I can see the architectural influences that have always thrilled me to the core. I thanked the cab driver and step out, hoping I’m going to make the right impression. I’ve just flown, but I got changed in the airline bathroom, so I feel fresh and prepared. I don’t think there is anything more I can do to prep myself. This isit.
I already have a series of “good luck” text messages from my mother, Allegra, and Adam too. I just hope I can make them all proud. Me too, because Ireallywant this. It’s only right now, standing in front of the building about to go inside that I realize just how much I want this.
I almost skipped out of the building because that went so well. Incredibly well actually… it seems like this company wants me to do a lot of work for them. I’ll have to thank Allegra because she’s obviously put in a good word for me, helping me get a leg up. I don’t know what Evan will think about the long-term work plan, but right now I don’t care. I want this so badly that I will give everything up in the UK for it. Well, most things anyway.
There’s an adorable little coffee shop opposite the building, which I immediately head toward. I finished my meeting early, which means I have a bit of time before I meet with Allegra… time to process everything that just happened. With a lightness in my heart, I click the door open, engaging a little bell as I do. I find myself a nice table by the window. I want to watch the world go by for a little while.
“Ciao, come posso aiutarti oggi?” the waitress asks as she approaches me.
I know a little Italian, but everyone I know here speaks English. I’ll have to get much better at the native language, though, if I’m going to be here more. “Un caffè, per favore.”
“Che tipo di caffè vorresti?” My blank look causes her to ask me again in English. “I asked what sort of coffee you’d like?”
The heat of embarrassment burns in my cheeks. I’m definitely going to have to learn how to speak Italian better. I don’t want to make it awkward like this again.
“A latte, please. Large. Oh, and a croissant as well.”