“Tomorrow morning. Gone. You can stay the night and get some good rest, but tomorrow, after breakfast, I want you long gone from here.” Dad gestures toward the wilderness beyond the fence. “I don’t care where as long as we never have to see you again.”
Ryder approaches and steps in beside me. “Ro and I will help them pack up so all that’s left for them is to dismantle their tents in the morning.”
Logan doesn’t look at me and I’m glad. This entire situation has become incredibly awkward.
“What about Stacey?” Michael asks Dad. “You’re going to put out a woman who’s about to give birth any day now?”
Dad chuckles, but it’s not humorous. It’s dark and sinister. “You bring a wife beater into my home and you expect me to be sympathetic? You take care of your own…out there.” He stabs a finger in the air toward the gate. “I’ll take care of mine in here.”
And with those final words, Dad has spoken.
Tomorrow, they’ll be gone.
I haven’t seen Raegan all day and it’s eating at me. We never finished our conversation since we were interrupted, which means she’ll stay pissed at me until I can make things right.
Iwillmake things right.
Raegan is my best friend.
Fighting just isn’t something we do.
She said Mom and Dad were the hypocrites, but I’m one too. I was so angry with Ryder for not telling me Dad planned to send him away. And when Raegan was mad I hadn’t told her about it, it annoyed me.
I should have told her the second I found out.
She’s right. Ryder should have told us together.
I’m sitting on the couch in Ryder’s cabin, feeling quite miserable as I watch Chet wave while telling a clearly over-exaggerated story. Ryder and Wild both crack up laughing. I’m not in a laughing mood. In fact, I’m feeling rather depressed.
Ryder is leaving us.
I watch my brother with sick, sad longing. I’m such an idiot. I’d been so desperate for his touch and attention that I never considered he was feeling the pressure to please me. I’m still messed up in the head over him pretending to want me earlier just to distract me.
Does he have to be so damn good-looking?
I can’t help but stare at the way his T-shirt stretches over his bulging biceps or the sexy upward curl of his lips on one side. Even his dark eyelashes are mesmerizing—thick and framing his intense eyes.
“I’m going next door,” I grunt out. Not that those three even care. “Probably going to sleep over, too.”
Ryder’s lips tug into a disappointed frown that makes my stomach twist. I hate feeling like the asshole here, but I can’t sit and watch him all night. Not after what all went down today. No, I need Raegan. I need my confidant and best friend.
“Don’t fuck my sister,” Chet calls out unhelpfully as I stuff my feet into my boots. “I’ll have to kill you.”
A harsh laugh barks out of me. “Don’t worry.”
Chet tells me to fuck off, clearly misinterpreting my words. I don’t think Sadie is some troll. Plus, not only does she lack the proper equipment to interest me, she’s also just not Ryder.
As I make it over to the door, I turn once more to get a quick look at Ryder. He’s still wearing a pensive expression and he’s coiled tight like he might bound over to me to keep me from leaving.
I linger for a long second, giving him the chance if it’s what he really wants.
Then, without a word, he turns back to Wild, effectively dismissing me.
Swallowing down the pain that’s clawing its way up my throat, I rush out of his cabin and into mine next door. Music is playing on the battery-operated stereo I got one year from Uncle Atticus on my birthday. Sadie is sitting on the floor beside Destiny and is painting her toenails a bright orange color. I flash them a smile before making my way over to the bed where Raegan is sprawled out.
“Hey,” I say, voice soft and unsure as I approach.