Page 69 of The Untamed

I squat and then hoist Raegan up, easily tossing her over one shoulder. She’s a mean bitch sometimes and won’t go down without a fight. I grunt each time her fists slam into my kidneys. That shit is going to leave bruises.

Saving her from CJ and Jace is worth a million bruises.

“You’re an asshole, Ryder Jamison!” she bellows. “I’m telling Dad!”

Fuck if I care.

Doesn’t matter.

I’m gone soon anyway.

I smack her hard on her jean-clad ass, which causes her to howl in fury. She manages to lift my shirt up and digs her fingernails into my lower back. Based on the severe burn left in their wake, I’d say she most certainly broke the skin.

Again, still worth it.

“Calm the fuck down,” I growl, swatting her ass again, this time much harder like Dad does when someone’s done something especially bad. “Keep it up and I’ll take a belt to your ass!”

“You are not my father, you piece of shit!”

We carry on like this all the way across the yard. I’m pretty sure if Dad isn’t still awake, he will be now. Not that I care anymore.

I manage to get her back to my cabin. Ronan opens the cabin door, confusion marring his face when he sees that I have our sister captive. He steps out of the way and I charge over to my bed. I toss her onto the mattress and glower down at her.

“Not fucking cool, Rae,” I snarl, fury bubbling up inside of me and spilling over. “You may as well have fucked the enemy.”

“Ryder,” Ronan starts, grabbing onto my shoulder. “What the hell happened?”

Raegan sits up on her knees, face red and eyes glowing with rage. “He can’t stand the fact I have friends!”

“Friends?” I spit out. “More like fuck buddies.”

She lunges at me, but I shove her easily back onto the bed. Ronan shoots me a disproving look before standing between us.

“You were with CJ and Jace?” Ronan asks, voice lowering. “Why?”

Raegan sneers at us. “Oh, so you’re choosing his side? I thought we were best friends! Just because you two…” She bites down hard on her bottom lip, trapping the words in her mouth.

Wild, Chet, and Sadie’s footsteps can be heard behind us as they enter the cabin, making it quickly too crowded.

“Don’t stop on our account,” Wild taunts. “What were you two doing?”

Ronan’s neck flashes crimson and his shoulders tighten. Raegan scowls, not making contact with anyone.

Did he tell her?


“You’re not allowed to see them,” I growl, ignoring Wild altogether. “The trespassers are bad, Rae. They’re fucking warped.”

She scoffs, eyes snaring mine again. “Are you jealous?”

Wild snorts and Chet cracks up laughing. Fucking pricks.

“No.” I pin her with a harsh glare. “They were talking shit.”

“So? You idiots talk shit all the time,” she tosses back, waving a hand back and forth between me and Wild. “What makes them any worse?”

“Rae,” Ronan says quietly, taking her hand. “Jace was talking shit about Dez.”