I’m buzzed, both from the alcohol Wild brought and the anticipation of putting my fist through CJ’s teeth. I’ll get in trouble, but what does it matter. Dad made his decision. I’m leaving. And soon.
Wild grins over his shoulder at me, the moonlight lighting up his green eyes reminding me of a hungry wolf. He’s starved for the violence—to cause trouble and antagonize. Usually, it’s Raegan or Rowdy he saves his energy for, but tonight we have a common enemy.
The trespassers.
If it weren’t for them, everything would be just fine like it always is. Dad wouldn’t be forcing me to leave and there wouldn’t be all this strangeness between me, Ronan, and Raegan.
But it’s not fine.
The trespassers showed up, stirred our happy pot, and are ruining our lives. My parents may not see it yet, but it’s as clear as day to me.
If I have to go, they do too.
“Where are they staying?” Wild asks, creeping to a stop before we make it to the glow of the fire. “In the big house?”
“There,” I whisper, pointing to a couple of tents in the far corner, hidden in the dark shadows of the night.
Wild leads the way, slipping from tree to tree to remain hidden from the few remaining people who are walking around or sitting by the fire. Chet follows behind him, crunching loudly, and I follow up the rear in near silence. We manage to make our way over to the tents without being seen by anyone.
When Dad finds out we kicked their asses, he’ll be furious. But it’s not like he can do anything worse than he’s already done. Being banished from my family is the absolute worst. If anything, I have an inkling of hope that maybe he’ll decide Wild is a bad influence and want to keep me from going back with him.
It’s a huge hope, but one I’m going to lean into anyway.
The three of us huddle just outside the tents to come up with a game plan. It’s decided that Wild will grab Jace and Chet will grab CJ. Then I’ll punch the fuckers until I can’t punch anymore. Sounds like a solid plan to me. My blood practically buzzes with anticipation as it rushes through my veins. I crack my neck and then pop each one of my knuckles to ready myself. Just before we make our move, I hear it.
A giggle.
Why is Raegan in the tent with that fucker?
The betrayal hits like a well-placed kick to the balls. It stuns me, fucking hurts, and then just pisses me off. How could she want to be near him after what they said about Destiny?
Wild arches a brow at me, clearly figuring out who the laughter belongs to. He’s waiting for me to call it. Do we continue with the plan or do we turn back?
Raegan laughs again.
And then again.
What’s so great about CJ that she keeps fucking around with him?
Is she doing it to piss me off?
My thoughts are a hurricane of confusion and rage. Behind the haze of fury that’s heightened by alcohol, I remember that she doesn’t know about what CJ and Jace said about Destiny.
In that case, I have to protect her.
Protect her from what she doesn’t know.
As her older brother, it’s my duty.
Tossing out the plan, I charge past Wild and Chet. As I approach, I can see the silhouettes of four people huddled in the tent together. If I had a knife on me, I’d shred the material to get to Raegan. Instead, I have to settle for grabbing the zipper and yanking it up with enough force, the entire tent shudders.
“Ryder!” Raegan hisses upon seeing my unmasked fury. “What the hell?! You scared the crap out of me!”
Ignoring the pandemonium within the tent, I keep my focus on one thing. Her. Raegan. My sister. She lets out a surprised shriek when I grab hold of her arm and drag her out of the tent. Since she’s tiny, she’s no match for my brute strength. I haul her out of the tent despite her hissing and scratching like a bobcat. Wild roars with laughter until he sees Sadie pop her head out of the tent. Then, he and Chet snag her with the same urgency.
None of our girls are safe with those fuckers.