Page 66 of The Untamed

I know I’ve hurt her because her usually fierce eyes are glassy with unshed tears. I’m an asshole, but I don’t want her to think things that aren’t real.

“Get off me,” she hisses, spittle hitting me in the face.

As though I’ve been struck, I jolt away from her, covering my stupid half-hard dick with my hand. Her throat bobs as she swallows down her emotion, eyes darting to the way I try to hide from her.

“So that’s it now?” Her voice is shrill as she staggers away. “You two get to be lovers and I’m all alone? I thought you were my best friend!”

I follow after her, unable to get my tongue to work correctly and say the right words. Everything in my head sounds wrong. Anything I say will only hurt her.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter. “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not like that. The thing that happened was a mistake.”

It didn’t feel like one.

In that moment, it felt so right.

“A mistake?” She shakes her head and angrily swipes at a rogue tear. “Try telling your face that.”

With those words, she storms out of the cabin, leaving my mind an even bigger mess than before.

I’m really fucking everything up and I don’t know how to stop it.

Chet’s hilarious. I can see why Wild likes him. Sadie is cool too, though she’s long since retired to my cabin to bunk with the girls. Now that it’s just us guys—me, Ryder, Wild, and Chet—Wild unearths his real gifts to us. The gifts he hid away in his bag until this moment.

Condoms. Lube. Some strange sex toys. Magazines. And alcohol. Always alcohol when Wild’s involved.

“That girl, Mya, totally wants to fuck you, Ry,” Wild says, grinning wide. “You’ll need those condoms so you don’t knock her up. It’s doubtful any of these women around here even know what birth control is.”

Ryder continues strumming on his guitar, ignoring Wild.

Chet snorts out a laugh. “This is some backwoods redneck shit right here. How do you people even survive without like, I don’t know, TV or internet or fuckin’ Ben & Jerry’s?”

“What the hell is Ben & Jerry’s?” I ask absently as I thumb through the glossy magazine full of tits, tits, and more tits.

Chet howls with more laughter even though I have no idea why. “That’s what I’m talking about, dude! You guys have no idea what you’re missing out on. No idea.”

“It’s not that great having Mya want me. And I’m not missing out on shit. I actually like it here,” Ryder grumbles as he sets his guitar aside. He snags a bottle of liquor from Wild, unscrews the cap, and takes a long pull. Then he shudders and damn near gags. “That’s fucking terrible.”

“But you need pussy, man. I’d die if I lived out here isolated from the female population. There are like a million hot chicks at our school. Hell, half of them take turns spending the night at our house with Sadie,” Chet says, reaching for the liquor bottle. “Revolving door of walking blow jobs.”

“You get blow jobs from all your sister’s friends?” I lift my brows in shock. “How many blow jobs have you had?”

Chet’s grin is wolfish. “A helluva lot more than you, my friend.”

I tear my gaze from his, focusing on the magazine. The women are scarily perfect. No scars or freckles or blotchy red skin like Raegan’s gets when she’s angry. Just smooth flesh in varying shades of creams, tans, browns, and black. All of their tits are big too. Some of the women have tattoos on their soft, toned stomachs or slim thighs. Others have metal piercings dangling from their nipples. I wonder what their assholes look like.

One of the pages flips out and a woman uses a toy, pushing it inside her glistening slit. I try to imagine my dick inside her. Would it be hot and slick? Would it strangle me like my hand regularly does?

“You can jerk off later,” Wild says, snatching the magazine from me. “I think we need to go fuck with those assholes.”

Apparently, Ryder filled Wild and Chet in on everything. Well, not everything. Not what happened with me and him, but everything about the new people, the dipshits CJ and Jace, and our hunting trip where we tried to find the men who hurt Kristen. He’s been itching to antagonize and accelerate the situation ever since.

I, for one, am completely happy with hiding away from all of them—Raegan included—while getting drunk and looking at porn mags.

Ryder sits up and drinks more of the liquor before nodding. “I’m game for beating the shit out of CJ. He deserves an ass beating.”

“Nah, I’m good,” I mutter. “Have fun without me.”

Ryder is already on his feet, ignoring my comment. He’s juiced and ready for some violence. Wild always brings out the best in him. Not.