Someone is screaming.
Me. It’s me. I’m screaming.
The scene begins to clear around me. One big bear is dead. Several small ones up ahead are now dead too. And Rowdy emerges, holstering his .45, wearing a murderous expression. His hair having come loose from his man bun and overgrown beard make him look like a predator too, but this one loves us and just killed these animals to protect us.
I know we’ll be in trouble for this, but I can’t find it in me to care right now. Snatching Destiny’s hand, I jerk her up and we both run right into our oldest brother’s waiting arms. We both sob uncontrollably, letting him assure us that everything’s all better now that the bears are dead.
Our crying calms down, but that’s when I realize someone else is crying.
“He’s hurt,” I choke out, pulling away from Rowdy. “The bear bit him.”
Jace and CJ are kneeling beside Carter, one holding his hand and speaking in soothing tones while the other is trying to apply a tourniquet to his thigh.
This is bad.
This is so bad.
Pained screams pierce the air, making everyone around the campfire look up from their bowls of oatmeal in confusion.
I latch eyes with Dad for about two seconds and then I realize he’s counting children. When he comes up short, he takes off out of the yard in a full sprint.
Several moments later, chaos ensues as Dad returns with my sisters and Mage, Jace, CJ, and some other kid in Rowdy’s arms.
There’s blood everywhere.
I snap into action about the same time Ryder does, both of us running toward our siblings in an effort to make sure they’re okay. First thing I notice is both Destiny and Raegan have been bawling—red-faced and snotty-nosed.
“Take care of your sisters,” Dad barks out at me and Ryder.
An entourage of people go into the house no doubt to deal with the bleeding boy. When Raegan sees me, she crumples, a loud sob escaping her. Ryder hugs Destiny to him since she’s closer and I grab Raegan. Raegan clings to me, soaking my shirt as she cries into my neck.
“What happened?” I ask, gently stroking her back. “Rae, what happened?”
Through her hiccupping and tears, I hear the word, “bears,” and it’s enough for me to figure out what happened. They were attacked and the kid got mauled. Better him than my sisters. I catch Ryder’s worried stare and he silently gestures for me to go sit at the firepit. We lead the girls to the end of one of the long C-shaped benches, sandwiching them between us.
As Rae regains her composure, she recounts what happened from the moment they left until now. I’d thought they were doing chores or sleeping in. I never saw them leave the property. Based on Ryder’s same guilty expression, he feels just as terrible as I do for letting this happen under our watch.
I notice we’ve drawn a crowd of people. Mya kneels on the gravel near Ryder, a concerned frown on her face as she listens.
“Is my brother okay?” Mya asks. “He and Jace went into the big house with all of our dads and Carter. I’m worried.”
Rae nods. “They’re fine. It was just Carter who got hurt.”
“What were you all thinking?” Mya demands, concern melting away as anger storms its way in. “There’s a reason why we have a big group. Safety in numbers. It’s too dangerous to sneak off just so you can suck my brother’s dick!”
Rae recoils at her nasty words. “You’re one to talk. I see how you look atmybrother.”
Several people whisper and someone barks out an inappropriate laugh. I hug Rae closer and whisper for her to quit. Of course she ignores me. That’s my sister for you.
“He doesn’t want you and yet you still try,” Rae continues, voice quavering. “Get over it. You look desperate.”
“Bitch,” Mya snarls, rising to her feet and then storming off.
Ryder shakes his head in disbelief. What a shit show.