Is he being weird because he really does like Logan, but he’s married?
“It’s okay to like a man.” My words are hot against the side of his face. “You know that, right?”
He makes a keening sound, swiftly flipping onto his side and giving me his back, no doubt trying to hide from me what I’ve guessed. That he likes Logan. Not letting him escape that easily, I curl around him, nuzzling his hair with my nose.
Loved and accepted.
That’s what I want him to feel.
“You can have that one day,” I promise, “just not with him.”
“Not with who?” he croaks out, playing dumb.
“Logan. I see how you look at him. Like you’re in love.”
“I’m not in love with some guy I just met,” he grumbles in a defensive tone. “You don’t know everything, Ry.”
I kiss his shoulder, again in an effort to make him feel loved and accepted, before whispering, “Good to know. You deserve someone better than Logan.”
“And who would that be, oh wise one?” he prods. “Who, Ry? Look around us. There’s no one like me. I’m all alone.”
Irritated by his words, I hug him closer. My body flickers with heat and I wonder if I made the fire too hot. The smart thing would be to stop cuddling Ronan so I don’t sweat my ass off, but I can’t find it in me to let go.
“You’ll never be alone,” I murmur. “You’ll always have me.”
“Are you volunteering yourself to get fucked?”
I snort out a laugh and playfully tease, “MaybeI’dbe the one doing all the fucking.” To punctuate my words, I push my dick against his ass.
He elbows me hard in the gut. “I hate you. You’re such a dick sometimes.”
“Love you too, big bro.”
I drift off with a smile on my face. Our joking around about being lovers has put us both in a better mood. His soft breathing indicates he finally succumbed to sleep.
Ronan will find someone worthy one day.
Someone he can fuck since he’s clearly horrified by the idea of taking it.
And I will support him one hundred percent.
As long as it’s not Logan or any of those trespassers.
I’d volunteer myself if that meant saving him from that skeevy guy. My traitorous dick pressed against Ronan’s ass plumps, turning to stone as images of me being the one to bring him pleasure invade my mind.
Thank fuck he’s asleep because there’d be no way to explain my way out of that shit.
Maybe my dick really is broken since I can’t seem to keep it under control around Raegan and now Ronan.
Teenage Angst in the Wildernesssounds like a stupid book.
One star.
Do not recommend.
They’ve been here five days and Dad still hasn’t kicked them out. It’s a miracle, really. Especially since Dad hates everyone.
But he doesn’t hate them.