She bites down on her bottom lip like she wants to keep her expression angry, but a smile peeks through. I let out a swoosh of relieved breath as I lose the boots and climb into bed next to her. Neither of us speaks, but she does snuggle up to me like usual. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer. Sadie glances over at us, smirks, and then goes back to her task.
Again, wrong equipment.
Not going to fuck my sister.
I wish I could tell her about earlier. When Ryder got so close we almost kissed again and it might’ve been with tongue had I let it go on. I want to explain to her that he was playing a game and it hurt so damn much when I realized it. Our brother hurt me and now he’ll leave us too, which means the hurt will never go away.
Even though she was upset with me for holding back what Ryder told me, and then my snapping at her, she appears to be over it.
Raegan is a master grudge holder.
“What are you so happy about?” I grumble, playfully tickling her side.
She laughs, her warm breath tickling over me. “That Mya bitch will be gone soon. We should have a party to celebrate.”
“I’ll bake a cake,” Destiny offers.
“I’ll bring the booze,” Sadie chimes in.
“It’ll be a go away party,” I offer, “instead of a going away party.”
All three girls crack up laughing. When it settles and Destiny and Sadie go back to their quiet conversation, I turn my attention back to Raegan.
“I’m sorry for being a dick earlier.” I kiss the top of her head. “You forgive me?”
“Meh,” she teases, “I think you could grovel a little more.”
I smile up at the ceiling with Raegan glued to my side, listening to the sound of rock music and the giggles come from across the room. Today has gotten significantly better now that I’m here.
Tomorrow, everything will be even better.
Everyone will be gone, and maybe just maybe, we can convince Dad to let Ryder stay.
Then, finally, everything can get back to normal.
Screaming haunts my dreams.
I can’t seem to get Kristen’s crazed yelling out of my head no matter how much booze I downed last night. All it succeeded in doing was give me a migraine along with my nightmares.
Chet or Wild coughs loudly and then begins their usual snoring.
Sleeping, apparently, isn’t in the cards for me.
My mind is a mess. Knowing I have to leave soon to go back to town with Wild’s family is absolute torture.
I don’t want to go.
I don’t want to leave my people…especially Ronan and Raegan.
But maybe Dad is smart about some things. Left to my own devices and I’ve managed to kiss both my siblings. I’ve touched them both in places no brother should.
I know what it feels like to have Ronan’s hard cock pressing against my palm or the soft, smooth skin of Raegan’s perky breast. And fuck if I don’t commit both those memories into my brain forever.
I’ll need it to get through the next few months or years.