“Funny,” I snip, eyeing his hand warily. “He never mentioned you.”
“Well, he sure as hell mentioned you,” Chet says with a wicked grin. “Said you’re his future wifey or some shit.”
The rear door opens on the passenger side and another kid around my age gracefully leaps out. She, too, has blond hair, but hers is silky and sleek. Her cropped top and short denim shorts that reveal long, tanned legs make her seem more worldly than me, though. My plain jeans and T-shirt feel boring and drab in comparison.
“Hi,” the girl says, wearing a bright smile. “I’m Sadie. Chet’s sister.”
As interesting as these two people I’ve never met are, I’m antsy to speak to him. Stupid Wild. Operator of the dumb truck that makes too much noise. Not that I miss him or anything. I just need something…normal. Fighting with Wild is something I’m one hundred percent comfortable with.
The two golden-haired teens watch me with unhidden interest like I’m a specimen they’re here to study. Another truck door slams shut. Seconds later, Wild saunters around the truck.
He’s beautiful.
No one and I mean no one can deny that, not even me.
It’s just his mind is a mess. He’s calculating and mean and crude. Wild is the exact opposite of everything good my brothers are.
Wild has a ball cap pulled low over his brow and his head is dipped slightly, so all I can see is the cruel slant of his full lips. My hackles rise and I fist my hands, steeling myself for whatever barb he has ready for me.
“Sorry,” Wild rumbles in a deeper voice than I last remember. His tone is far from sorry. “I didn’t see you there.”
I roll my eyes and ignore his apology. “Where’s the rest of your family?”
“Twins are sick,” he says, annoyance dripping from his words. “Again. What else is new? They’ll be here in a few days.”
Sadie and Chet remain frozen like beautiful statues, their shiny gold-spun hair the only thing moving as the wind dances by us. Their matching smiles give me the creeps.
Wild slowly approaches until he’s towering over me. He’s bigger than my brothers. Wider through the shoulders and packing more muscle. The older he gets, the more he looks like a spitting image of Uncle Atticus—minus the man bun and beard and tattoos. His slightly unhinged green-eyed glare reminds me of Aunt Eve, though.
“Looking frumpier than usual, wifey,” Wild says, bearing a wolfish grin. “It’s like you don’t even try for me anymore. You wound me.”
I plant my hands on his solid, massive chest and shove him. He stumbles back a step before roaring with laughter. His weird friends join in, politely trying to muffle their amusement.
“Don’t be a dick.” I cross my arms over my chest and glower at him. “There’s enough of those around lately.”
And, as if on cue, dick number one appears.
“New people!” Mya squeals, running over to us. “Hi, I’m Mya. Raegan’s bestie.”
I snap my head toward her and curl my lip up in disgust. We are not besties.
“Holy shit,” Wild says with a chuckle. “Your dad let people onto his backwoods inbreeding factory?”
I’m going to kill him one day.
Just pick up a rock and smash it against his mouth that says mean things endlessly. Maybe if his teeth were hanging from the roots, he’d have a harder time spitting out his nonsense.
“Wild Knox,” Wild greets, turning on his fake charm for Mya. “These are my friends Sadie and Chet.”
Mya shakes Wild’s hand and is slow to release it.
“Girlfriend?” Mya boldly asks, eyeing Sadie with a forced smile.
Wild chuckles. “Nah. Didn’t you hear? I’m gonna marry that girl right there.”
Me. I’m that girl.
Fat fucking chance.