I want to kiss him on the mouth with tongue and teeth.
When I start to slide my hand down his stomach to feel his hard cock and help him get it settled, he lets out a strangled sound and then stumbles away from me. The loss is immediate, chilly air penetrating my flesh and soaking into my bones. I cross my arms over my chest, hoping to hold onto some of his leftover warmth.
“Ryder,” I whine, frustration in my voice.
I want him to stay. I want to keep exploring whatever this strange thing is between us.
“We, uh, can’t,” Ryder mutters. “That can’t happen.”
He takes off, stomping away from me without another word. I’m bewildered by the fact he knew exactly what I was thinking. Did I say it out loud?
Shame bleeds through the lingering pleasure of our stolen moment, reminding me that he’s right.
Whatever that was can’t happen.
He’s my brother.
A sister and brother aren’t meant to be anything more than friends.
Now, if only I could convince my pattering heart and trembling body…
The clouds above are menacing and warn of an impending storm. Because of the cloud cover, it’s nearly impossible to see in the dark forest. Dad and Owen lead the way with Rowdy and Ryder trailing behind. Me and Logan bring up the rear. The other hunting group went out farther south so we could cover more ground in the overall direction we think the rapists went.
Since we don’t want to give ourselves away, Dad has instructed we hunt without flashlights or lanterns. All that can be heard is the crunching of boots on sticks and fallen limbs and leaves. Occasionally, I hear a grunt or a whisper.
We travel this way for several hours. If I had to guess, it’s nearing midnight. The wind has picked up and I’m glad I layered up on clothes. My backpack grows heavier with each step, making me wish we could take a break soon.
“We can catch up,” Logan murmurs, voice soft and barely audible. “Let’s sit for a minute.”
The sounds of the others grow more and more distant as we come to a halt. Soon, it’s quiet again aside from our panting and the crickets singing nearby. Logan captures my bicep in his firm hold, sending a hot thrill shooting down my spine straight to my dick.
Not now, man.
Of all the times to lust after someone, this is absolutely the worst time as we hunt down his wife’s assailants. I attempt to squash all sexual thoughts as Logan guides me to a fallen log. We sit down on it, close enough our thighs brush against each other’s. Logan rummages around in his pack before he pulls something out. In the darkness, I can’t exactly see what it is, but when I smell something savory, I imagine it’s beef jerky.
A strip of beef brushes against my lips. Is he feeding me or did he mean to hand it to me but some made it to my mouth instead?
I reach up and take hold of the offering, my fingers accidentally brushing over his. He lets out a soft breath and I wonder if he’s onto me. I’m obviously stupidly pining over this man and am having trouble hiding it.
Distracting myself, I take a bite of the beef jerky and attempt to think of anything except the nearness of Logan or the touch of his thigh against mine. Anything.
“How does your dad feel about you being gay?” Logan asks, voice a mere whisper.
I nearly choke on the beef jerky. I manage to swallow it down and then steel my spine. “W-What?”
Logan chuckles and the sound reverberates through every bone in my body. “Bisexual perhaps? Hell, maybe you don’t even know for sure. I remember being your age and not knowing what the fuck to do about my traitorous dick.”
I don’t know what to say to his confession, nor do I know how to react. Am I that obvious to everyone around me?
“I don’t know what you mean,” I lie, shifting uncomfortably.
His palm covers my thigh just above my knee and he squeezes. “I’m not an idiot, Ronan. I know how you feel about me.”
Is he angry?
Is this what this is? Him confronting me?
“I’m sorry,” I choke out, fear seizing my throat. “Don’t tell my dad.”