Page 38 of The Untamed

“Fighting about stupid shit,” I agree. “But not letting other people come between you.”

They’re both quiet for a bit. Just the three of us, silent and relaxing, reminds me of times beyond this past week. We’re best friends. Bickering is normal, but this great divide between us is not.

“I still don’t understand what the big deal is,” Raegan says softly. “It was just a kiss. I like him. You guys know I like him. I thought you two of all people would want me to be happy.”

Ryder bristles but manages not to growl when he replies. “It’s not you who’s the problem here, Rae. It’s him. He’s bad news. Just look how today turned out.”

“It’s not his fault we were attacked by a bear,” she mutters. “We live in the wild. It’s a part of life here.”

“It is his fault that he took you away from us and our protection. If I were there,” Ryder grinds out, “I could have protected you and Dez. Did CJ even bring a weapon? He’s fucking clueless.”

“Rowdy was stalking us. Don’t worry.” She shoots Ryder a scathing glare. “Crisis averted.”

This is getting nowhere.

“Look,” I say to Raegan. “We get it. It sucks sometimes being out here away from people. We don’t get to experience the same things everyone else does.”

She nods emphatically in agreement, so I continue.

“But it doesn’t mean you have to jump the first guy you meet.” I arch a brow at her. “He’s not even that cute.”

Ryder smothers a laugh. Based on the confused expression Raegan’s wearing, I know I’ll have to explain.

“I, uh,” I stammer, rocking the hammock a little too hard that we all have to lean forward to keep from being dumped out. “I just…I know when a guy looks good or not.”

Raegan gasps comically. “Ro! Do you like… Are you…”

“I just know,” I spit out in exasperation. “There’s lots I don’t know, but I can tell you CJ is just average. I mean, I know you hate him, but have you seen Wild?”

She cackles so hard she nearly topples us again. “Oh my God! You think Wild is hot? This is too good! Maybe you can marry him and I’ll finally be off the hook!”

“Then maybe you can stop scraping the bottom of the barrel since you won’t feel like you’re out of options,” Ryder suggests with a grunt. “For the record, I wouldn’t wish Wild on anyone in this family.”

“He’s not that bad,” I argue as Raegan says, “Right?!”

He really isn’t that bad. Arrogant and bossy as fuck. A little bit of a psychopath when he wants to be. But because he’s hot, just as Raegan said, I can forgive him for those things.

“We’re going to be okay,” I assure them both, ignoring their jabbing at Wild. “Right?”

Ryder nods, smirking at me. “We always are.”

Reagan leans up against me, sighing. “Yup.”

“If you need to practice kissing, Fleabag could be up for the job.” Ryder snorts at his dumb idea.

Reagan practically leaps across me to sock him in the shoulder. The move is enough that we all flip in the hammock, landing in a painful heap on the wooden porch, howls of laughter following.

Things are back to normal all right. We spend the rest of the day cracking jokes and bonding. Ryder even pulls out his acoustic guitar to play a few songs, including a silly one about Raegan he makes up words to.

I’m grinning at Ryder when Logan rushes around the corner, panting and eyes frantic. Immediately the hairs on my arms stand on end. The three of us scramble to our feet.

“What is it?” I demand, not entirely sure I want to know the answer.

“It’s…” he chokes out, terror twisting his features. “My wife. Kristen. She’s gone.”

“What do you mean gone?” I step forward, the urge to calm him overwhelming. “Maybe she just took a walk.”

He violently shakes his head. “N-No. When I went into the tent just now to check on her, there was blood.”