She’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks I want to spend more than five minutes with her. I don’t like any of these people or the fact they’re infiltrating our property like fire ants.
I step over a woman curled up on a blanket with a toddler tucked at her side and then sit beside Ronan. His tense body relaxes at my proximity, making me feel a whole lot better. Slinging my arm over his shoulders, I hug him to me. He smells like fruit with a hint of cinnamon. Always has for some reason. His scent is comforting.
“These people are fucking dicks,” I complain. “Mya called me a caveman.”
Ronan doesn’t wriggle free of my affection, instead slumping against me. It makes me want to pull him closer, reminding all these damn trespassers that he’s my brother, not their new source of entertainment.
“You kind of are a caveman. You have a wolf for a pet.”
I snort out a laugh, my gaze darting over to Raegan, who has Mage wrapped up in a blanket in her arms like he’s a baby and not some wild animal. “Ex pet. He’s a traitor.”
Ronan trembles and I wonder if he’s cold. I squeeze his shoulder and then rub up and down to bring warmth to his flesh.
“Are we good?” I ask, unable to stop the cracking of my voice. “I feel like these people took you guys away from me.”
Ronan looks up at me, eyes burning hot like the fire behind his glasses. “Of course we’re good. I’m right here where I belong.”
His words soothe my heart that’d been feeling bruised and abused. “Yeah?”
“Hopefully these assholes will be gone soon.”
“Hope so too,” he says sadly. “Raegan won’t like it, though.”
“Rae has us. She doesn’t need those fuckers.”
One of said fuckers whispers something to her and she howls with laughter. Yep, I want to kill them both, especially CJ.
“Where’d Logan go?” I ask, forcing my attention back to my brother.
He shudders—again, I think from the cold, but am beginning to wonder. “His wife.”
The venomous way with which he utters those words confuses me. Why does he seem mad that Logan has a wife? A sudden thought occurs to me, but I shove it away.
Not Ronan.
I’ve seen all the porn mags Wild smuggles him and they’re all women.
“Logan seems like an even bigger dick than his brother and cousin,” I state with a shrug. “I’m your friend. Fuck them.”
Ronan’s lips twitch on one corner with an almost smile. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“I know I’m right.”
Dad, with Michael on his tail, returns to the bonfire. He motions for Rowdy, who materializes from the darkness to join us.
“Bad news is she’s having contractions,” Dad tells us. “Good news is, they’re most likely Braxton Hicks, and she just needs rest. Your momma is setting her up in the girls’ room.” He turns his eyes to me. “I trust you can keep an eye on Destiny and Raegan since they’ll be staying next door for a few days?”
Ronan groans under his breath. I’d be annoyed too if I had to give up my cabin for the girls. But everything about these people is annoying and invasive. It’s no surprise they’re taking over the house too.
“I’ll watch them,” I say in agreement. “Me and Ronan both will.”
Ronan nods, though I can tell he’s still butt hurt about giving up his cabin. Michael shoots us a grateful smile for readjusting our lives to accommodate his family. Whatever, man. This isn’t about pleasing him. It’s about respecting Dad’s wishes and protecting my own family.
Now that Dad is back and everything seems to be back under control, I rise to my feet and holler at Rae. “Bedtime, brat. You too, Dez.”