“Someone better start explaining fast,” Dad snarls. “Before I start shooting.”
“They’re just passing through,” I explain, pushing past Dad to give CJ my hand. “We ran into them while swimming. They’re nice, Dad.”
CJ allows me to pull him to his feet. I can practically feel Dad’s rage burning hot against my back, but I don’t care. He’ll have to shoot through me to get to CJ and that’ll never happen.
“My dad’s a little overprotective,” I tell CJ, smiling.
“A little?” CJ snorts out a laugh. “I’m CJ Greer, uh, sir.”
He offers a hand to my dad, but he glowers at him. “I don’t give a fuck who you are. I want you gone.”
Logan, now with Ronan at his side and Jace on the other, slowly walk toward us.
“We’ll leave,” Logan says, holding his hands up in a placating way. “We’d be much obliged if you could point us in the right direction.”
Dad doesn’t breathe a word, waiting for Logan to continue.
Logan lets out a sharp breath. “My stepmom is pregnant. We’re trying to find someplace to settle before Stacey has the baby.”
I glance over my shoulder, wondering what my own mother thinks about that, but she’s nowhere to be found. Knowing her, she probably has all the littles hidden away in the pantry. My parents are paranoid.
“This is our land,” Dad growls. “Nowhere to settle around here.”
“Understood,” Logan says with a quick nod. “That’s why we’ll need a little direction. She’s been having pains. Might be a little early for her to go into labor, but we’re erring on the side of caution and looking for a place to set up camp for more than just a day or two.”
“We’re not a damn hospital,” Dad says rudely.
“Daddy,” I hiss. “Don’t be cruel. She could die out there.”
He ignores me, but I know it got to him because he finally lowers his weapon. Rowdy follows Dad’s lead and holsters his as well.
“Got a map?” Dad asks in a gruff tone. “I can show you where to go.”
Logan nods. “My dad and uncle have them. I’m going to call them.”
Dad tenses when Logan reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a walkie-talkie—the same kind we got for Christmas one year from Uncle Atticus.
“Dad,” Logan says into the device, “found CJ.”
“Don’t tell me he’s bothering that family,” the man says on the other end. “We don’t need any trouble with Stacey’s state.”
“I wish I could tell you otherwise, but your favorite nephew is all googly-eyed over their daughter.” Logan snorts out a laugh. “Nearly got his ass shot in the face.”
“Serves him right,” the man grumbles. “How do we fix it? Will they let you all leave? Do we need to trade supplies or food for his freedom?”
“We could leave him as their prisoner,” Logan offers, earning the middle finger from CJ.
“Tempting, but that won’t do—”
His words are cut off by a woman crying out in pain.
“Stacey okay?” Logan demands, concern dripping from his words. “Is the baby coming?”
“Not sure,” the man says wearily. “Just get your asses back to camp so we can take care of her. I’m afraid it won’t be long before this baby gets here.”
Dad surprises me when he lets out a resigned sigh and says, “Bring them here. They can stay outside the fence. We can give you a night or two of respite, direct you where to go next, and properly check out your woman.”
Logan relays Dad’s message to the man on the other end of the walkie-talkie.