Page 15 of The Untamed

“I’ll warm you up,” I tease. “Come on. Don’t be a loser.”

My taunts don’t ever work on Ronan the way they do on Ryder. Luckily, my adrenaline-junkie brother takes my side.

“Yeah,loser, we’ll warm you up if you get cold,” Ryder says, hopping to his feet. “Let’s go before we get roped into helping Mom clean shit off Dawson.”

Ronan groans but concedes, also standing up. I squeal in delight, making Mage yelp in fright.

“Last one there has to finish cleaning the bathroom,” I yell, already darting toward the door. “See you there, slow pokes.”

Running through the wilderness never gets old. It’s refreshing to fill my lungs with pine-scented air and to hear twigs crackling under each step of my boots. Whenever I feel stifled or trapped by Mom in our loud house, I can count on running to fill my soul and reset my mind.

Ryder and Ronan both run after me but let me keep my lead. They both can be dicks when it comes to chores, so I have no doubt they’ll pass me up right before we get to our swim hole—a narrow but deep creek about two miles away from our home.

The trail widens the closer we get to the creek and then it opens to a small clearing made of smooth, flat rocks. Before I can set Mage down and dive in, strong arms encircle my waist, making me scream so loud, several birds take off in flight.

Ryder’s booming laugh rumbles through my back, boiling my blood. Ronan takes his sweet time removing his glasses, then undressing down to his underwear. He takes Mage from my arms and then sets the pup down before diving into the creek. When he pops up, he lets out an inhuman shriek.

“Holy fuck, it’s cold!”

I fight against Ryder’s hold, determined not to have to clean that damn bathroom, but fail miserably because Ryder has muscles for days. Trying a different tactic, I press my ass against his penis. I let out a triumphant howl of laughter when his whole body stiffens and he pulls his hips back in an effort to hide where else he’s stiff.

I’m about to wriggle free when I’m reminded about this morning, way before the sun came up, how I touched myself shamelessly. I’d been thinking of how Ryder had been between my thighs when he got hard. Just like Dad was when he was thrusting into Mom. My usual fantasies of Ronan were replaced by Ryder instead.

I realize neither of us is moving, both frozen aside from the way our chests heave from exertion. Warmth tickles over my flesh.

“Let go of me,” I say breathlessly, once again pushing my ass against him. “You’re hurting me.”

The animalistic groan that escapes him when my ass meets his hard penis indicatesI’mthe one hurtinghim. But after what Ronan told me and then what I saw with my parents, I know Ryder isn’t sick or hurt. This feels good to him.Ifeel good to him.

“Stop moving,” Ryder hisses, face pressed into my shoulder. “Fuck, just stop moving and I’ll let you go.”

His hot breath tickles my skin through my shirt and I shiver. The second he lets go of me, I’ll bolt to the creek. But he doesn’t let me go. With no warning, he lifts me off the ground and takes off in a sprint. He twists his body as we go into the creek, taking the brunt of the fall with his back.

As soon as the icy creek water touches my skin and then submerges me, I lose all thought as the cold annihilates me. Ryder releases me so we can both swim to the surface. I suck in a lungful of air and am about to let him have it when he grins brightly at me.

“You lose. I hit the water first,” Ryder says in a smug tone. “Sucks being you.”

I splash him and then try to dunk him. Ronan, ever the peacemaker, grabs hold of my arm, drawing me away from Ryder.

“You could have at least given me a chance to get out of my clothes,” I snap at Ryder. “You’re a prick.”

He snorts, unperturbed by my insults. I shoot Ronan a sour look for not having my back before pulling my arm free. I swim to the creek bank and splash out of the water. Mage has found a warm rock to curl up on and watches us with a cocked head.

My brothers cut up and toss each other around while I peel my soaked jeans and boots off. Swimming in nothing but my bra and panties isn’t uncommon for us ever since we got in trouble for skinny-dipping, but for some reason, today I’m aware of my naked skin.

I hesitate before pulling my shirt off, wondering why I’m hit with sudden awkwardness.


Ryder’s soaked shirt smacks me right in the back of the head. Asshole! I rip off my shirt and then throw myself back into the creek with one mission.

Kill Ryder.

He grabs hold of Ronan’s shoulders, using him as a human shield. I reach my arms around Ronan in an attempt to punch Ryder right on that stupid laughing mouth of his. Ronan grabs onto my hips to keep me from getting to our brother. His strong but gentle fingers press into my chilled flesh and I suck in a sharp breath.

Distracted, and no longer interested in exacting revenge, I draw my gaze to Ronan. His dripping hair hangs in his eyes as he smirks at me. Heat travels down my spine, pooling in my core. I grow transfixed by his full, pink lips. They’re so slick and soft looking. I bet they’d feel softer than my fingers on my pussy.

A shudder ripples through me and my teeth clack together. Confusing the reason for my shaking, Ronan pulls me to him, crushing me into his solid chest. My breasts smush against his pectoral muscles, making my heart race.