"Oh, really?"
"By your tone, I sense you don't believe me."
"I told you before, Princess," he whispers, closing the gap between us, "I can tell when you're lying to me."
"Fine," I relent. "I have one question."
"Ask me anything."
A dangerous proposition indeed. "Should I be expecting chains and a cell upon my arrival?"
"Only if you're into that sort of thing," he smirks, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.
I slam my hands on my hips and hiss, "This isn't a joke, Atlas! I'm a foreign princess about to be deep in enemy territory. I need to know if I'll be tossed in some dark, stinky dungeon the moment my boots land in Tronovia."
Anger flashes across his face and he stiffens. "You think I'd let that happen to you?"
"You tell me."
I feel his chest brush against my own with the rise and fall of his rapid breathing. Slowly, he puts his hands on the railing on either side of me. Pinned, with no way to escape him unless I want to jump overboard, he leans closer. Our noses are inches from one another. The intensity in his burning gaze makes my heart skip a beat.
"You are mine to protect. I will not let any harm come to you," he whispers, and his gaze softens as our eyes meet. "I had hoped you would have a little faith in me by now,Strenlys."
A deep horn blows signaling our arrival and I slowly turn around to get a glimpse of the city my ancestors have avoided visiting for centuries. Atlas' arms are still planted on either side of the railing, but his chest now rests against my back. His lips hover above my ear when he whispers, "Welcome to Tronovia, Princess."
Fromadistance,thecity of Tronovia looks like it's been designed in a half-moon shape. The mansions and waterfront properties belonging to the rich and elite, stretch along the ends of the crescent on either side of the kingdom. The port is cradled in the center of Crescent Bay and there are thousands of pine trees in the background that stretch up to the blue sky.
The city of Tronovia can be described in one word – dreamy. Grey brick streets, arched bridges over the numerous canals coursing through the city, row houses that are three, four, five stories high, each one painted a different color to distinguish one residence from another. Each building has narrow windows with flower boxes and shutters that complement the color of the facade.
I feel like I've stepped into one of my fairytale books as we trot through the kingdom in a black carriage that was waiting for us when we docked.
There are countless plazas with enticing cafes, theatres, bookstores, large window shops, and parks with black iron lanterns lining the streets.
And the people don't look dangerous or warmongering. I know looks can be deceiving but I was always told Tronovia was built as a dark fortress and its people were always prepared for war. Maybe they were that way hundreds of years ago, but they certainly don't live that way now.
Carriages traveling in both directions fill the brick streets. Gondolas lazily ease down the canals, with some boats tied off to the sides of the waterways. Nyx quickly explains those are houseboats for people who prefer to be on water more than land. What a whimsical thought to have a house on the canal with access to all the amenities on land; truly the best of both worlds.
At the top of the hill in the middle of the kingdom, I see the castle. Its majestic white spires stretch to the heavens like an outstretched hand with its fingers splayed. It doesn't resemble a dungeon or fortress, but I'm not naive enough to believe it doesn't function as both, despite its royal and stately design.
Finn points to our right and in the distance I see an enormous building that takes up nearly an entire block. It doesn't match the rest of the kingdom's architecture, but it's still beautiful with its old-world columns and colorful murals painted along the stone fence. I'm told its the School of Magic where all magic wielding Tronovians learn to hone their power. It's where Atlas, Finn, and Nyx were taught, even though their affinities aren't fire based.
Calmara veers toward the upper point of the crescent. That's where, if I'm granted permission, I can begin my search for information. Who am I? Why do I have Enver Sol's magic? What can I learn about Soul Eaters and the Great War that ended twenty years ago with Enver Sol sealing the portals to Orabelle and the Underworld? Why are the Midorians and Tronovians enemies?
So many questions, but at least there is hope I can find some answers here.
Our carriage crosses over an arched stone bridge with ivy crawling up the sides. Once we are on the other side of the canal, our transport trots to the end of the block and stops.
"We're home." Nyx smiles and opens the buggy door. He hops out and turns, extending his hand to help me out. I accept his help and step out. Atlas, Finn, and Eris are quick to follow.
I look up at the black brick row house we've pulled up to in wonder. The silver knocker shimmers against the scarlet front door which is flanked by two white framed windows. It is situated on the corner lot at the end of the block and is across the street from a cafe that smells heavenly. Sweet pastries are displayed in the window alongside freshly baked bread, and the smell of strongly brewed coffee fills my nostrils. I might gain ten pounds staying with the Harland brothers and I won't regret it.
Atlas walks past me and bounds up the four steps to the front door, pulling out a key from his pocket, and unlocks it. He opens the door and motions me forward.
"Come on in, Princess," his eyes meet mine and I welcome his friendly invitation. "I'll give you a tour of the Harland House."
"You named your house?" I tease, walking up to join him.