"Well, I heard, he loves another maiden, but wants to be king one day."
I glare at the sea of faces as I walk down the aisle to see who would be uttering such atrocities on my wedding day, but everyone is smiling back at me.
"Bastian will rule all six kingdoms one day."
"All he has to do is use her blood and he can unleash his army."
"He'll kill her once he has no more use for her. He never loved her anyway."
"Under Bastian's reign, he will finally eradicate all those filthy Tronovians."
"I heard the princess kissed one of them. A disgrace. She's lucky Bastian didn't call off their engagement."
"What of the Shadow Wielding Tronovian?"
"I heard Bastian had him tortured to death. Good riddance. His blood was tainted."
"Stop it!" I scream, smashing my bouquet against my thigh. "Stop saying such foul things!"
Everyone stares at me, but their faces remain neutral. They aren't surprised, angry, or even enjoying the fact, I've ruined my ceremony by causing a scene. They look at me, but they have no soul, no emotion.
"Ilaria?" Bastian cocks his head to the side in confused amusement. Why did he call me Ilaria and not Shaye? "What's the matter, darling?"
"They're saying terrible things about us. About you."
He smiles, but instead of easing my racing heart, it stops it cold. "Oh, Ilaria," he coos. "Sweet, naive, Ilaria. They might be saying terrible things, but all of it is true."
"No," I shake my head as he advances. "Bastian, it's not true. Tell me it's not true."
"Why should I lie, sweet bride?" His eyes are filled with predatorial aggression. He looks possessed; he's not the man I love.
It's then I see Vesper skulk up beside him, a menacing smile spreads across her pale face.
"Hello, deary," Vesper hisses.
I point a finger at her, rage bubbling in my belly. "You stay the hell away from me, demon!"
In a flash, she tackles me to the ground, unsheathes her knife, and licks it. The guests do nothing to aid me, and Bastian doesn't bat an eye at the assault.
"Bastian! Get her off of me! Help me!"
But my cries fall on deaf ears as my betrothed watches with indifference as Vesper puts her knife to my throat.
"You're really going to watch her kill me!?" I scream, tears fill my eyes, not in fear or sadness, but in undeniable rage. "You're spineless."
"Spineless?" That seems to snap him out of his stupor, but it still doesn't spur him to help me. "My dear bride, I am far from spineless. Let me show you what I truly am." His head tilts at an odd angle and I watch helplessly as his body contorts, appearing as if his bones are breaking. Fur grows all over his body and he shoots up to stand several feet taller than his natural height. His face elongates and his teeth turn into sharp fangs. His clothes rip as he transforms from man to beast. He looks equal parts bear and wolf. His feral eyes bore into mine as he smiles, more animal than anything. "Do I still look spineless to you, my sweet?"
Before I can respond, Vesper pulls my hair, drawing my attention. "This is going to hurt," she says as she drags her blade across my throat.
I gasp, shooting up to a seated position. I claw at my neck and I'm relieved to find I'm not in Midori and Vesper hasn't slit my throat. I'm in my room on the boat headed for Tronovia. I try to take deep, steadying breaths, but tears run down my face and whimpers escape my lips.
I turn to Eris for consolation, but her bed is empty. It's then I remember she went to grab a late-night drink with Finn and Nyx.
I hate that it's so dark in here and the feeling of Vesper lurking in the shadowed corners has me terrified. Not willing to take the chance that someone might be lying in wait to strike me down, I jump out of my bed and slip into the hall, looking to see if anyone I know is out there. The corridor is empty and quiet. I glance at the door across from mine; it is Atlas' room. I shouldn't bother him, because he's injured and needs his rest, but I can't shake this feeling of being watched. I take my chances of upsetting him and I knock, but there's no answer.
Why isn't he answering? What if Vesper is on the boat and she got to him? What if they all abandoned me?
I twist the doorknob to find it unlocked. Either something is wrong, and Atlas is in trouble, or he is that confident in his abilities to fight off an intruder that he doesn't bother locking his door.