A second wind fuels my aching lungs and sore muscles and I sprint down the dock.

We're going to make it! We're almost there. Finn, Eris, and Nyx are already stomping up the ramp. Finn screams at the captain to get the ship moving. The captain must know who the Harland brothers are because he immediately jumps into action, ordering his crew to cast off. Atlas is a few paces in front of me. He turns back to look at me and extends his hand. I reach for him, but he grunts and falls to the ground, tripping me, causing me to stumble alongside him.

I glance over at him and see him lying on his side gritting his teeth in pain. That's when I see two throwing stars protruding from his leg. "Atlas!" I crawl toward him.

"Go!" He shouts at me. "Get on the ship!"

"I'm not leaving you." I wrap my arms around him and try to help him to his feet, but he can't put weight on the leg that's injured and slips back to the ground.

"They're laced with something. I can't feel my leg," he admits with a sadness in his eyes that has me frightened. "Get to the ship, Princess."

"And let them take you?" I shake my head, tears in my eyes. "They'll torture you."

"Better me than you."

"Well, well, well," Vesper's viper-like voice echoes, drawing my irate gaze. "You almost outwitted me, Princess, but enough is enough. It's time to return to Bastian and fulfill your true purpose."

"I'm not going back to Midori," I hiss and slowly stand to my feet, putting myself between her and Atlas.

"You are Bastian's fiancé and the future -"

"I am not going back with you!" I interrupt her with a viciousness that surprises me. I feel my magic once again itching beneath my skin. "I will not aid you in finding the portals. I will not be a part of your plan. And I certainly won't be returning to Bastian with you by his side."

At that, Vesper edges closer, a malicious gleam in her red-rimmed eyes. "You come with me willingly, and I will let yourTrinkitilive. Refuse me again, and I'll slit his throat and you will watch him die."

Her threats enrage me, and I feel a shift deep within me. My hands begin to glow, startling Vesper into taking a step back. "You will not touch him."

As if those words snap her from her momentary stupor, she beelines toward us. I'm not certain if she's intent on grabbing me or harming Atlas, but I put a golden shield around him as he continues to shout at me to get on the ship that's now ready to set sail and wait for the Soul Eater to reach me. She draws her knives, exposing Atlas as her intended target. Before she can circumvent me to attack him, I snatch her arm, halting her advances, and begin to burn her flesh. She screams, but I refuse to relinquish my hold on her.

"Tell Bastian, I know the truth," I seethe. "Tell my parents, I am no longer theirs to deceive."

"You will never be free from us!" Vesper growls. "We will find you again, and when we do, I will bring yourTrinkitito his knees!"

My eyes widen at her threats. A deep-rooted rage burns in my soul, and with a blast of light magic, I launch her off the dock and watch as she slams into the water.

When I turn around to check on Atlas, I see Nyx has come back to help. Hoisting his older brother to his feet, he throws him over his shoulder, and with me at his side, we sprint aboard the ship and cast off.

I look back at the spot where Vesper landed, but she's no longer in the water. She's back on the dock, dripping wet, clutching her charred arm. To say she glares at me with hatred in her eyes would be an understatement. When our paths cross again, I'll need to make sure I'm stronger, faster, and wiser, if I intend to survive a second bout with her. She might need me alive, but I doubt the condition in which I'm kept alive will be pleasant.

Atlas' groaning slices through my thoughts as our ship drifts out to sea. Finn is already speedily at work, cutting his brother's pant leg off and tending to his wounds. Handing Atlas a leather belt, Finn pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and says, "Bite down."

Atlas obeys without question and grimaces when Finn yanks both of the metal stars out of his leg. He pours a disinfectant on the wounds and applies two different salves. Atlas moans, placing the back of his head against the paneled wall.

I hate seeing him in pain and without thinking, I snatch his hand in mine and squeeze, drawing his attention. His eyes are filled with pain, and I maintain eye contact. He's been there to calm me down when I'm teetering on the edge of hysteria, the least I can do is support him while he's being patched up.

"You can drop the leather now," Finn says, not bothering to look up from binding the deep gashes.

Atlas spits the belt out and looks like he's about to pass out.

"Will he be able to walk again?" I ask Finn, though my eyes are still fixed on Atlas.

"Oh, he'll be fine. The four-points were laced with a temporary paralysis serum. He'll be running around by tomorrow morning," Finn explains without a tremor of worry in his voice. Clearly, he's had to tend to both of his brothers' injuries on more than one occasion. Once he finishes his work, Finn finally glances up at his brother and instructs him to stay in bed the rest of the night until he cleans the wounds the following day.

Nyx helps Atlas to his suite and Eris shows me our shared room directly across the hall. It's similar to the river cruiser, except our room isn't connected to their room.

Grateful we escaped Kongar intact, I now set my sights on Tronovia and hope when I step foot on enemy soil, I'm not immediately tossed into a dungeon.

"Iheardhe'sonlymarrying her because the king will execute him if he refuses."