I glance over Atlas' shoulder and peek out the crack and watch as a large Bavan male approaches Onji. She whispers instructions, looking around before handing him a small money purse. He tosses it up and down in his hand before nodding his head. Onji pats his chest, not giving us another look, before walking away, abandoning us with the stranger.

Closing my eyes, I slowly count from one to ten, breathing in a steady rhythm. I don't want to have an outburst, even though I swear the wooden walls surrounding us are creeping inward. And I certainly don't need to pass out from sheer fear for Atlas to tease me about down the line.

The cart suddenly jerks forward, making its way toward the drawbridge and the hot beaming sunlight. I inadvertently slam my fists against Atlas' chest, and he slips his hands around my wrists and gently squeezes. Our eyes meet and for a second, the world around me, including the terrifying coffin I'm sealed inside, fades away, and all that exists is me and Atlas.

"Bavans are strong enough to pull their cargo without the use of beasts like horses or yaks." He's trying to distract me, and I'm surprised it's working.

"Does he know we're his cargo?" I ask and he nods.

"He's one of Zuri's."

"How do you know her?"

"I've known Zuri for a few years now." He wiggles to get comfortable, but his eyes never leave mine, as if he knows if we break eye contact, I might remember I'm trapped in this cedar chest of death. "Bavans with magic were being found dead or reported missing by their families. Zuri's sister was one of them. It spurred her to organize a group of informants to keep their eyes and ears open for any intel that might lead to the capture of the pirates who had been attacking coastal villages.

"We met while investigating one of the pillaged towns and realized we were looking for the same pirates that were also attacking Tronovian and Durnan villages. We decided to combine forces. She uses her network to pass me information and her store supplies us with what we need."

"So, she's the brains and you and your brothers are the muscle." I piece it together easily enough, and he smiles.

"You're very shrewd."

I rest my head against the bottom of the box and exhale. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Keeping me calm. Keeping me safe."

His thumb skims across my knuckles, reminding me that our hands are still clutched together. "I'll always keep you safe."

An unexpected bump rattles the cart causing me to suck in a breath to keep from crying out. I risk a glance at the outside world through the crack behind Atlas and see the trading city's streets are filled with merchants and negotiating customers. Just like the Bavan capitol, Kongar is loud, hot, and crowded. But unlike the capitol, I feel unsafe here. I can't shake the lingering feeling that danger is lurking, and as if the very thought conjures her, I see Vesper and some of her Soul Eaters skulking around the port. My heart lodges in my throat. As long as we can make it past her, we'll reach our ship to Tronovia within minutes. Suddenly, Vesper's red-rimmed eyes dart to our cart and I gasp. Even though it's impossible, I swear we make eye-contact. Vesper smiles like a viper that just sniffed out her prey and terror stirs within me.

"She knows," I whisper.


"What?"Atlasasks,confusionin his eyes.

"She knows!" I reiterate when I see Vesper motion for a handful of her lackeys to follow her as she approaches our cart. "Vesper. She knows we're here. She's coming."

"Shit." Atlas hisses, and by the look on his face I know he's strategizing our next move.

"Halt!" Vesper shouts at the troll pulling our cart. She motions for her goons to step in front of him to ensure he stops.

"What is this?" The troll groans. "Get out of my way. I've got deliveries to make."

"Our delay won't take long, Bavan." Vesper points in our direction. "Open the crates."

"Do you have the proper paperwork to open these?" The troll's voice bellows, but I can detect a hint of fear in his clipped tone. "Because if you don't -"

Vesper draws two knives from the holsters on her hips and points one at the Bavan. "If you care to keep your tongue, I suggest you shut up."

"We have to do something," I plead, peering into Atlas' eyes. "They'll kill him."

Atlas appears calm in spite of my fear and slowly tips his chin in acknowledgement. "When I tell you to, shield yourself and run -"

"No," I cut him off.

"No?" He quirks a curious eyebrow.